A Different Type of Saiyan

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Zira's P.O.V.

I quietly stared at the tyrant, observing him closely. Despite the smirk on his face, I could see the intense rage in those red eyes. I'm not sure exactly what I did  to anger him so much, but either way now I was going to have to face him myself. It was insane how strong his energy felt....I only ever met him once, but the power I felt then was absolutely nothing compared to what he was now. 

"Such immense power...." I murmured. This caused Frieza to chuckle, his tail slowly swaying from side to side.

"I'm glad you noticed. You see before arriving here, I went through extensive training in order to make sure I finished Goku once and for all. However, it appears I'll have to settle with you for now." he stated. I don't know what kind of training he went through, but it must've been incredible for him to gain such strength. "It's strange....it's so much stronger than before." I said, more so talking to myself than replying to him. However the comment made the tyrant give me a confused expression.

"Than before....what do you mean by that?"

"Oh, I apologize. Truth is, this isn't the first time we've met. But I don't expect you to remember me in the slightest." I replied truthfully. Frieza blinked before chuckling, his smirk widening. "I'm afraid I don't recall you at all....I suppose you weren't worth remembering." he stated. I ignored his comment with a small shrug, which surprisingly seemed to bother him as he frowned. "Before we begin, you mentioned earlier about that necklace hiding your energy....I want you to remove it. I want to feel this power for myself." he stated. I blinked, his request surprising me, but I obliged anyway, and carefully moved the chain away from around my neck. 

This suddenly caused the red aura around my body to flare up drastically, now no longer held back by the Angel's Rock. Many of Frieza's men gasped in shock, backing away in intimidation. Frieza himself even flinched, momentarily startled before regaining his composure. "This power....it even exceeds Goku's Super Saiyan form all those years ago...." he said. I calmly looked to the tyrant, putting my necklace in my pocket and floating back a few feet before holding my arms out to my sides.

"I'm assuming you still refuse to leave, yes? Then feel free to attack any way you wish." I replied. The white alien only chuckled in response however, causing me to give him a confused expression. 

"I am no fool, woman. I won't charge in so recklessly as Tagoma did. I've made the mistake of underestimating a Saiyan before....I won't make that mistake again. So you'll have to immense of honor of being defeated by my final form!" he stated. Without delaying for another second, he clenched both his fists tightly, his eyes widening as he screamed, a purple aura forming around him. This caused an powerful gust of wind to blow around, strong enough to blow away rocks and boulders. 

"Gah! Lord Frieza, be careful!!" his commander cried out. Frieza ignored him however, and a large purple light started to engulf his body. My eyes widened in shock, realizing that if he kept this up, he would end up killing everyone around him, including my friends.

"Holy crap, this is bad!" Krillin cried out. "Everyone hit the deck, now!" Roshi called out. They all attempted to hide behind the many rocks and boulders, but I knew that wouldn't be enough to hold back Frieza's power. I placed my hands together, the red aura around me glowing brighter. Then, as the blast of Frieza's transformation came towards us, I raised a red energy shield, one large enough and wide enough to cover our half of the surface area. The light still blinded me however, and I was forced to turn my head away. 

An intense moment passed before the light finally died down, and I could look at what had happened. However only a shocked gasp escaped my lips as my eyes widened. 

Frieza's entire army....was gone. Wiped out. None of them had survived their master's intense energy, and were disintegrated immeidately. The only two survivors I spotted in the far distance were Tagoma and his commander, who seemed to be just barely out of range from the danger. However they both watched with gaping mouths as their entire force was destroyed by their own leader.

"NOOOO!! The Frieza Force!!" the commander cried. 

My eyes finally settled upon Frieza himself, causing a chill to go down my spine. He floated quietly in the air, both arms stretched out to his sides. I heard Frieza had other forms, but I had never seen them in person, and it was nothing like I expected. The horns were gone, the purple skin was gone. Instead, now pure white skin practically shined in the purple aura that surrounded his body. Purple biogems reflected off the intense light; on the top of his head, his forelegs, his forearms, his chest, and even his shoulders. The pink tail had changed to long, white one, curling around behind him. 

Finally his opened to look at me, a wide smirk on his face.

"Well....are we trembling in fear yet?"

I lowered my hands slowly, the energy shield disappearing into the air. I couldn't help but be incredibly intimidated, but I couldn't let that stop me. I can't let Frieza hurt anyone else. 

"You just wiped out a thousand of your own men. Just what do you gain from such a tragic sacrifice?" I asked. Frieza chuckled, lowering his arms as an evil gleam shined in his eyes. "I want you to understand the grave mistake you made by facing me, Lord Frieza. And if you have any chance of survivng our fight, then you better not hold back! Your power in massive, but I could sense you holding back the during your fight with Tagoma. You needn't provide me with the same courtesy; you had better give it your all." he stated. I remained silent for a moment, carefully taking in his warning. I had not planned on using any type of transformation, but with how strong his final form is....I might not have a choice. Even if I don't want to, I'll give him what he wants.

"....fine then. I suppose Super Saiyan will suffice then?"

This caused the warlord to perk up, momentarily looking at me surprised before giving another chuckle. "You know, I shouldn't be surprised, considering your power level. And yet I am....very well then. Show me this Super Saiyan form!" he demanded. I sighed, but once again I obliged. I clenched my fists tightly, letting my power surge through my veins once more. And within moments....my hair changed to a snow white color, and the red aura around my body changed to a darker hue. Frieza watched carefully, eyes narrowing once the transformation was complete.

"How bizarre....I don't recall Super Saiyans having white hair and red eyes. You really are a different type of Saiyan, aren't you?" he said. "That doesn't matter right now." I replied calmly. I didn't like feeling this kind of power inside me, and I didn't want to have to use it any longer than I needed to.

"Very well, then I suppose it's my turn to say this," Frieza got into a fighting stance, giving me a challenging expression, "feel free to attack in any way you please."

(Sorry this is a shorter chapter, but it'd take a lot to fill in a whole fight scene here. So I'll save that for the next chapter. Thank you.)

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