Moving Day

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Aaron's POV
You wake up and see Emily still fast asleep. Her hair was sprawled all across her face while she snored a little. She had kicked off the blanket as she had grown too hot in the night. She was wearing underwear and one of your T-shirts. The tshirt had rolled up at some point which exposed her bump. It was very obvious at this point and it had definitely caused Emily some discomfort now.

Her ankles had started to swell up a little as you were now forced to rub her feet. You honestly didn't mind because you loved to feel needed. Emily would always give you a kiss or maybe something even better if she ever felt in the mood. You were always in the mood because the way she moaned as you rubbed her feet was truly music to your ears.

Emily's mood swings had become even worse if that was even possible. Now that she was always uncomfortable, she was almost moody in some way. The only way that you could get her to relax was by giving her rubs everyday.

Emily starts to flutter her eyes as she soon opens them. "Morning" you say as she looks at you with a smile. "Morning" she says as she sits up and removed the hair on her face. You give her a quick kiss on the lips before hopping out of bed. You help Emily up and she smiles. "Thank you" she says with the biggest grin. "You ready?" you ask her as she nods her head yes.

Emily's POV
You woke up and see Aaron was staring at you in awe. Your heart flutters every time he looks at you. Your hair was everywhere as you tried to fix it slightly. He still looked mesmerised even though you know you looked like shit.

Aaron hops out of bed before giving you his hand and helping you up. You walk to the bathroom to pee. The baby was now resting your bladder a lot more. This caused you to feel the urge to pee a lot more. It was very irritating and never fun to get up with the bump. Aaron liked to help you stand up every chance he gets. You knew that he felt bad that you had to go through the whole pregnancy thing.

You liked to complain to JJ a lot about the whole pregnancy thing. As JJ would always complain to you. You felt bad complaining to Aaron but not as much as JJ did with Will. JJ said that if Will could carry the baby he would've. You thought that was hilarious. Reid overheard this and then started telling you all about how the male seahorse carries the babies instead of the females.

You were honestly glad that you were the one carrying the baby. You knew that Aaron would've been impossible to deal with. You knew that you were bad but when you thought about it, you were a lot better than what Aaron is whenever he is sick or sore. Aaron was even more stubborn than you although he would argue the opposite. You had no idea how Jack was so compliant.

A trait he clearly got from Haley. Although deep down you knew that Aaron was the most compliant person you knew, if it meant that he could make you happy. You and Jack both had him wrapped around your fingers and you couldn't wait till your little girl had it too.

You hoped that she would love playing dress up or have tea parties because there would be nothing funnier than seeing Aaron in a tiara or getting his nails painted. Imagining your future which was once unpleasant has now brought you a bunch of joy. You didn't have to worry about growing old by yourself now. You had a family and they were stuck with you.

It had definitely been a tough adjustment at the start of the relationship. As alone time is something you rarely got, even harder to find more as your relationship grew. You've grown to love spending your nights with Aaron and you can't imagine being alone ever again.

You now felt odd whenever you slept alone, that rare time that one of you weren't at the others apartment. As this was your final night in your own apartment. Your lease was expiring and it just seemed right to move in with him.

After all his apartment is bigger and he's already bought it while you were renting. You would most likely move into a house however, whenever life slowed down and gave you time to house hunt.

You start getting into some real clothes before the team comes over. You knew that you would never hear the end of it if Derek or Penelope arrived at your place while you were in just your underwear and Aaron's T-shirt. The t-shirt was long but not long enough to completely cover your ass and the way the T-shirt clung to your chest showing off your nipples.

You quickly shower and put on your last pair of clean clothes that weren't in a box before sitting on the couch. Aaron passes you a bowl of cereal and takes it away once you finish.

The team arrives shortly after as you were still on the couch. Your back was aching and your ankles were killing you to stand on. The only relief you felt is when you sat on the couch with your feet propped up or when Aaron was giving you attention. Whether it was cuddles or massages.

As soon as JJ and Pen arrived, they sat down on the couch with you and kept you company while Aaron, Dave, and Derek were carrying the boxes from the apartment to the u-haul. Spencer was then in the u-haul as he had calculated the best way to store the boxes in the van.

You were selling most of your furniture but needed to move a lot of them to storage. Derek and Aaron were starting with moving your clothes and toiletries first as they were the most important.

"Yo Princess, how many pairs of shoes do you have?" Derek asks in disbelief as he sees your three large boxes stuffed with shoes. "Hey, never judge a woman by the amount of shoes that she owns" you say as Aaron couldn't help but chuckle.

You watched Aaron carry a particularly heavy box and couldn't help but get lost in his muscles. "Earth to Emily" you hear JJ whisper as you snap
back into reality. "What?" you ask as she chuckles. "I know he's your boyfriend but could you look away from him for like a minute" you blush as she chuckles. Once all your clothes were in the SUV, you, Penelope, and JJ all drive to Aarons-your apartment. You all unpack your clothes first before moving to toiletries.

You didn't hear the end of it when Penelope found a box of your sexy lingerie. You took the box away from her and unpacked it as Penelope was laughing at you. JJ then sees what's happening as she starts laughing as well.

"Fuck you both" you say as you eventually join in on the laughter. It eventually died down before the team got here.

You all unpack a bunch of boxes together before Aaron orders pizzas. You were excited to start buying baby clothes now. You basically ate a whole box by yourself.

The team leaves and it was just you and Aaron left. "So what now?" Aaron asks as you smile. "I think that we should break the house in"

Aaron's POV
You look at her slightly confused before she walks up to you and pulls you in for a big kiss. You help her to the couch as you pull off her shirt. She pulls off your shirt as well before she lifts up her hips and you pull off her pants. You could see how wet she was. You unbuckle your pants and let them drop to the floor as you pull down your boxers as well. Emily's legs were spread out wide as her stomach was blocking her view of her pussy. You slip your cock in and she gasps at the surprise touch before moaning out of desire. You thrust into her harder and faster each time. You could tell her walls closing in around your dick as you continued to thrust. Once her whole body tightened up, she started shaking and you knew she was close. You thrust one more time hitting her sweet spot and you could feel her release as you cum as well. She moans the loudest moan ever and you roll out. She was sweating and panting as you saw how wet she was. You lean down and lick up her slit. She shakes at the surprise touch. "Aaron" she moans as your lips attach to her clit. You sucked ever so slightly as you slip a finger into her hole. She groans at that as you lightly pump it. The moans seemed to be getting quieter so you slipped in another finger. She moaned so loud as you kept pumping and sucking before you felt her body shake. You knew she was close as you slipped your fingers out. "Aaron" Emily wined before you replaced it with your tongue as she moaned again. You darted you tongue in and out as she started to shake again. She came on your tongue as you licked every last drop. Some of it was yours from last time but most of it was that sweet taste of Emily that you couldn't get enough of.

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