Chapter 1: Tony

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It hadn't been that long since the battle with Thanos. Everyone was shaken up by the Blip, but they carried on as normal. It was only the Tony Stark fanatics that went crazy. They all believed that he could be brought back to life like Agent Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D. One scientist sought to do that. Using his connections in S.H.I.E.L.D., he was able to recreate T.A.H.I.T.I. He broke many laws to recover Tony Stark's body but it was worth it in the end. He was able to bring back Tony Stark.

"So you're telling me that I was dead and you brought me back to life," Tony said once the scientist told him what happened.

"Yes sir," the scientist responded and with no hesitation, he said, "As payment for bringing you back to life, I want you to kill Spiderman." Tony was surprised. As a side effect of T.A.H.I.T.I, the memory wipe that Doctor Strange used didn't work on him. However, that also meant that he didn't know what happened with Spiderman.

"Why would I kill him?" Tony asked. "He helped save the world."

"Because he is a vigilante and keeps stopping me from trying to get things."

"Maybe because you are doing illegal things that you need to go to jail for." Now Tony was really confused. Why would someone call Peter a vigilante?

"Listen man, I just brought you back from the dead. The only thing I want is for you to kill Spiderman," now the scientist was mad. "So if you don't mind, I am going to go back to my work and hopefully you'll finally see that I am trying to help the world." The angry scientist walked out the door.

After the scientist left, Tony started to look for something to wear. He was only in a hospital gown and that isn't appropriate for going out. He walked around and found some sweatpants and a hoodie. Now Tony was ready to go out to find Peter.

Not really knowing what happened during Tony's time dead, he didn't know what to expect. He didn't even know where he was. With absolutely no hope that the world was still the same, he walked out into the busy streets of New York City. Tony was ecstatic. He hoped he was in New York. This meant that he could find Peter and ask him what happened during his time away. Tony walked for a bit until he found a map. Taking that, he walked to the nearest Subway station only stopping once to steal a hat. "No one can know who I am," he thought. "I need to blend in with the tourists." No one noticed that the man in the hat was Tony, so he was able to get in and out of the subway. Tony first went to what he remembered as Peter's house and found no one there. Tony went to other places Peter loved. The cafe. The park. He even went to Stark Tower. He was scared. He had been searching for Peter for the entire day and it was almost night. What if something happened to him? Tony was tired. So, like any normal billionaire, he went to Sandy's; the best bar in Queens.

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