Return of Golden Frieza

Start from the beginning

"Dammit...." I muttered. Dark chuckling caused me to snap my eyes at the golden form before me, back still turned to me. 

"Not half bad, Frost. You understood right away that you couldn't face my power, so you went to resolve the issue with your venom. And you almost did." Despite the mocking tone he used, there still seemed to be some truth to his words. In fact, he almost seemed....impressed? Did I really effect his judgement that much? I tensed as he turned to face me, that wicked smile returning to his face.

"Unfortunately, despite your best efforts," he raised his hand to my face, charging another energy beam attack, "I'm afraid it still won't be enough."

For a moment there was burning pain, and I remember crying out. The next thing I knew, I was falling, and darkness was overtaking my vision.... thing I knew, I was looking up from outside the ring, laying on the hard rock below me. Everything ached. I didn't even want to bother sitting up. 

"Aaaand the winner, is Frieza of Universe 7!!" 

My eyes widened, remembering I was in a tournament, and quickly sat up despite the pain. The announcer and Frieza stood in the center of the ring, with the announcer congratulating Frieza. He bore a prideful smile, arms folded across his chest as he stood proudly. There wasn't really any cheering, more like murmuring among the spectators, except for Champa, who booed loudly from where he was. I looked away and growled, clenching my fists tightly. I knew the moment he took that form that I wasn't likely to win, but that doesn't make it any less frustrating. 

"Frieza!" I looked up once more, seeing that woman from Universe 7 go towards Frieza. She held a small brown bag in her hands, walking towards him.

"Are you okay? That battle seemed intense...." she said. Frieza merely rolled his eyes, transforming out of his golden form and returning to his fourth form. "Haven't I already told you not to worry about me? I'm fine, he was nothing I couldn't handle. Now would you stop hovering over me all the time? It's becoming irritating." he stated. I was expecting the woman to be offended by his comment, but she merely gave him a friendly smile. 

"I see. Well, I'm just glad you're not too badly hurt, and that you won. Here," she dug into the brown bag and handed him a small green bean, "have a Senzu. It'll help heal your injuries." she stated. Frieza blinked, seemingly not expecting the kind gesture, and....wait, was he actually blushing?! It was very faint, but I could see the light purple tint on his cheeks that he immediately tried to shake off. He grumbled a "fine" as he took the bean from the woman and popped it into his mouth.

This Frieza guy....just who the hell was he in the seventh universe? 

He's referred to himself as "lord" before, so was he some sort of royalty? I guess with that kind of incredible power, it wouldn't be that surprising. I still couldn't help but wonder how he gained such immense strength. He said it was due to training, but what kind? I looked to my hand briefly, flexing it slightly. We were of the same race, so would it really be so impossible for me to obtain such power....?

"Frost," I looked back up at the ring, seeing Frieza looked down at me, wearing a smile, "I meant what I said, I'm impressed. Here I thought you'd be a disappointment, but you actually managed to put up a decent fight. Not bad." he stated. With that said he turned his back to me, and flew back to the platform where his other teammates were. The woman looked at me for a moment, thinking for a moment before jumping down and landing beside me. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"What do you want?"

She dug into the brown bag and pulled out one of those 'Senzu', kneeling down to where I sat. "Here, this should help make you feel better." she said. She wore a kind smile as she spoke, only further confusing me. Did she not understand who I was, or what I did? Did she not feel at anger for the things I confessed to? Then....why in the world was she offering me aid?

I glanced at the bean, hesitating before taking it from her hand. She stood up and flew back to her teammates without another word. I looked down at the bean in my hand, somewhat baffled. Forget just Frieza, the whole seventh universe was weird. I popped the bean into my mouth, and almost instantly I started to feel strength return to my body, and even most of my bruises and scratches started to fade away.

I stood up, daring at glance towards Lord Champa. He had a very unhappy expression on his face, eyes narrowed and frown very deep. I narrowed my eyes.

If I try to face him now, chances are he'll want to destroy me. I wasn't about to take that chance. I can't stay here anymore, I need to get out of here....but I wasn't going to leave empty handed. 

(Sorry the chapter is a little short, but this felt like a good place to stop)

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