Chapter 17 Worried Links and The Glory Glutton

Start from the beginning

"Did you forget we share thoughts idiot? Don't even try it," Vaati said with a smirk.

Shadow merely sighed internally, a small spark of a plan gone.

They continued heading to the room where Azazel was still "sleeping" as Shadow. Vaati explained his orders to him as he rubbed off ink to return to himself. Once Vaati had given Azazel his orders he grinned. Seeing him grin for the first time Shadow shivered. It wasn't an evil or manic grin but a small one that seemed normal. It made Shadow nervous as Azazel didn't seem like the kind of person to smile a lot.

"Now leave. This body needs rest," Vaati ordered.

Shadow realized Vaati was right, he was exhausted but he didn't like Vaati's wording.

"Yes milord," Azazel answered and walked to the door. Before he left he glanced at Shadow and spoke, "Bye viridis nigereos mendax."

Shadow stared after him, confused. "What did he say? Was that ancient hylian?"

"I dunno. He's a bookworm," Vaati replied.

With that, Shadow reluctantly went to bed, hoping Ganon would stay in the ishida for another day.


Zelda, Raule, and the Link's went home and back to bed after checking on the hat. Zelda still felt uneasy about the whole thing but put it aside to get some rest. She would wait if more information came up later.

4 hours pass...With Vio...

Dawn came, decorating the sky with golden light. Vio was the first to get up as he usually was but he felt nervous considering the events of the night before and the Althea's.

They wouldn't use that hat to try and run away right? No, it couldn't have been them. It was the guard that touched it. A genuine mistake. Vio told himself. But he didn't believe his own words. Vio knew there was something off but knew it couldn't have been the Althea's. Even if they were keeping a secret, he trusted them.

Vio got dressed and went downstairs. He was going to speak to the Althea's, he needed to.

"Vio? Where are you going?" The voice of his mother came from the kitchen.

"I'm going for a walk. I feel a bit stuffy," Vio half-lied.

Lizzy walked out of the kitchen. With her Vio smelled eggs and bacon being cooked. "Okay, just be back for breakfast. You boys are still growing," She said.

"I will," He promised her.

Vio felt her worried gaze on his back as he left. No doubt she noticed they were gone last night. His mother clearly knew something was up but didn't say a word. Vio sighed and headed to the Althea's house. Once he arrived at the wooden cabin that the Althea's built themselves he knocked on the door.

John opened the door. "Hey, I thought you'd turn up. Come, we can talk while I continue to do the dishes," He said and welcomed Vio inside.

"We didn't finish our conversation. Besides, something new has come up," Vio said as he followed John to the kitchen.

John resumed doing his chore as he spoke, "What came up?"

"I can't say much except that someone touched a very important heirloom last night. Luckily it was only touched and not taken," Vio explained, "This event has Zelda on edge though. I want you guys to tell her but maybe not yet. We should make sure she trusts you guys when she finds out."

"You think she'd suspect us of messing with the heirloom?" John asked calmly.

"Maybe. Our first encounter with a shadow got her kidnapped," Vio answered, honestly.

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