B. The Weight of Dreams / Noah POV

Start from the beginning

Shit. This was going to be a rough day.

Sighing, I threw myself into the seat next to Hunter

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Sighing, I threw myself into the seat next to Hunter. I folded my hand on the table and leaned my head against them.

"Not eating with your girlfriend today, Archer?" Darren asked.


A moment of silence. Fair. I usually tried to eat lunch with whoever I was dating, especially on the last day.

"Uh, is there a reason?" Darren followed up, confusion clear in his tone.

"Tired," I replied, not wanting to get into it. 

"Oh, yeah, all these girls wanting to date you, having a new girlfriend every 2 weeks like some old billionaire dude, must be exhausting." Hunter chimed in and ruffled my hair.

I clicked my tongue and lifted my head, pulling it away from him. When he saw the menace in my eyes, he raised his hands and grinned.

"Come on man, don't give me that look. You're the one that always breaks up with them."

Yeah, okay, that might have been true but it wasn't like the breakup was the goal. I did give everyone a fair chance. The same chance, actually.

"Cause it wouldn't be right to string them along," I said and sighed, running my hand through the hair Hunter had messed up.

"Maybe..." Inna started and then pressed her lips together.

"What?" I asked, urging her to continue.

"Maybe you should, you know, consider stopping with this whole dating thing. It might give you more time for other stuff...," she said and then drifted off, biting down on her lip. "Sorry, it's not any of my business how you deal with... everything. We're just worried about you."

No one else spoke but the looks coming from them made it clear they all agreed with that. They all cared. I knew that. But they didn't understand, they couldn't understand.

"I can't stop," I said quietly, and then before any of them could interrupt, I forced a smile on my face. "I'm fine though. Just one of those days. We still on to hang tonight?"

"Yeah and this time I'm teaming up with Darren," Hunter said and crossed his arms. "I'm tired of always being on the losing team."

"Ever considered maybe you're the problem if you're always on the losing team," Inna said and raised an eyebrow. Oh damn, shots were fired. Brandon let out a strangled laugh before he pressed his hand over his mouth.

Hunter let out a gasp and pressed a hand to his chest as if he'd just been mortally wounded.

I leaned back in my seat, relieved the topic had switched to something other than my dating habits.

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