CHAPTER 1: My Story

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I was hiding in my attic, why you may ask well I guess I should start from the beginning.

I had always had an excellent memory. I remember everything since I was born. I remember as my mother named me Amber Uchiha. I was born on September 25th, XXXX. 15 days before Kyubi attacked the village. My Mother had died from childbirth and my father had died before I was born.

I was an orphan at birth. I remember when the 4th Hokage Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki took me in as a favor of my mother. Kushina was a close friend of my mother. Kushina was also pregnant with Naruto.

They soon learned that I wasn't a normal child. Minato had noticed that I would play attention to them when they talked about serious problems or issues. I learned how to crawl when I was two days old. I learned how to speak when I was only three days old. I learned how to read when I was four days old. I learned how to write when I was six days old. I had learned how to walk when I was seven days old.

Minato and Kushina were shocked by how much I progressed. Minato and Kushina then decided to do a blood transfusion jutsus with me when I was seven days old. So I could be related to them and receive their own powers, abilities, chakra control, Chakra natures, and their skills. As a result my appearances changed.

My hair became a mix of my clan's the Uchiha's Onix Black hair, the Uzumaki Clan's Blood Red hair, and the Golden Blonde hair of the Namikaze Clan. My once Onix Black eyes were now a Deep Sea Blue. I also grew cute whiskers.

They adopted me when I was a week and a half old. I was renamed Amber Uchiha Uzumaki-Namikaze, but only a few knew this. They then wrote their wills incase something happened to them. I told them to do this.

They made Tsunade the Godmother of me and Naruto. Kakashi was made our Godbrother. They were going to make Jiraiya our Godfather, but I told them that he wasn't the best person for that position. They asked who I think would be better.

I thought for a moment before replying that Orochimaru would be a better option. They were shocked by my answer and asked me why him. I told them that he needed something or more like someone to keep him from being consumed by the darkness in his heart. They thought for a moment before agreeing.

Minato asked for the Anbu to bring Orochimaru to his office. I was setting at on the floor practicing my Fuinjutsu. When Orochimaru entered I waited until Minato said to show myself. When I came from behind the desk I walked to him.

Orochimaru was confused by me. I smiled and introduce myself to him. He was shocked to find that I was only a few days old. Minato then asked if he would be the Godfather of me and Naruto. Orochimaru was shocked by the request.

He asked why he was chosen. Minato pointed towards me, and said I suggested it. Minato said that he was going to asked Jiraiya, but I said he wouldn't take the responsibility seriously.

Minato also said that the reason why he chose him was because I suspect that he would let his darkness consume him. Orochimaru looked at me. He could instantly tell that I was different from other children. He agreed, but asked if he could examine me.

Minato was about to say no, but I spoke up. I'd allow him to, but he couldn't preform anything that would be considered harmful or extremely painful to me. Orochimaru agreed. He decided to take some of my blood. He was shocked to find that I had wood release, along with all five nature releases. I also had an infinite amount of potential. He reported his findings to Minato.

Then on October 10th, Kushina went into labor. I stayed with her useing healing Fuinjutsu seals on her to ease her pain. When Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze was finally born I laid down next to him and Kushina.

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