"Okay, Okay!" Glenn said, ignoring Amy and listening to Shane. He got into the car and popped the hood for Shane as Amy kept repeating herself to Glenn trying to get answers.

Eventually Kian had enough of the loud noises combining all together. "Yes! She's fine! Everyone is fucking fine," he snapped. Kian's patience was running thin lately. The overwhelming feeling took over and he couldn't help but snap. "Sorry," he whispered lightly. Amy seemed to be offended by the snapping despite the half sincere apology but continued to fire questions as Shane and Jim took care of the siren.

"Is she coming back? Why isn't she with you? Where is she? She's okay?" Amy was practically begging for answers, not giving either of the boys a minute to talk.

"Yes!" Glenn told Amy before looking at the group. "Yeah she's fine, everybody is. Kian just told you that," anybody who was waiting for family to come back felt a bunch of relief knowing their loved one was making it back.

"Well, everyone except Merle," Kian said after noticing Daryl wasn't back at the camp site yet, figuring now would be a good time to tell everybody what he heard from the others over the walkie-talkie. No one seemed to be upset with the news, people almost seemed to be more relieved that one of the Dixon's has disappeared.

"Are you guys crazy, driving thru wailing bastard up here?" Shane asked, the boys looking at him as he continued the talk. "Are you trying to draw every walker for miles?" He started to let annoyance dominate his voice as he lectured the two, Dale stepping in.

"I think we're okay," he tried to calm the former officer down before he got to mad.

Shane paused for a second, calming himself down a bit before continuing. "You call being stupid okay?" He glanced between the boys then back at Dale.

"Well, the alarm was echoing all over these hills. Hard to pinpoint the source," Dale explained, trying to lighten the situation and not have the group worried about monsters coming to get them. "I'm not arguing, i'm just saying," he defended as Shane looked at him with displeasure written all over his face. "It wouldn't hurt you two to think things through a little more carefully next time, would it?" Dale pointed at the two boys who drove the car giving them a bit of a lecture so Shane won't be too pissed.

"Sorry," they both said in unison, feeling guilty about the possible situation they could've caused the group. "Got a cool car," Glenn said, showing off the said cool car. Mostly everyone just rolled their eyes, ignoring his attempt at a joke but Kian laughed a little, causing Glenn to smile softly at him. At least someone laughed, even if it was just small it still made Glenn smile.

Soon enough the rest of the scavenging group pulled up to the camp with the truck they were piled in. Glenn smiled at Morales' kids, knowing they'd be happy once their dad jumped out of the truck.

Andrea was first to come back, calling for amy as she did. As Amy started to cry she ran to her sister shouting her name in joy, happy to have to have her back. The two girls hugged as Kian watched in jealousy. He wanted to hug his sister again, but he knew he never would.

Morales' family ran for him, excited to know he was home and alive. Everyone else who wasn't waiting for returning family stood off to the sideline awkwardly, some of them jealous, some of them upset that their family wasn't coming back to them.

Kian went around the other side of the car to talk with Glenn, watching as Lori pulled her son off the side, the boy clearly crying from missing his deceased father. "Do you think we'll be able to keep the car?" Kian whispered to Glenn, letting the families have their moment.

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