Chapter 33 - All Done

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Do you understand now, Charlotte?

"I do."

Do you know why you are here?


You can rest now.

"What, that's it? I'm done?"


"What about Jack? I don't get to say goodbye?"

You wish to say goodbye to the one who caused all of this for you?

"You don't get a second chance at goodbyes very often."

You have learnt nothing.

"No, I have, I swear! But I love him. You can't ignore something as strong as love."

So you wish to be with him?

"Just to say goodbye. I accept it now. I know it wasn't me, that I couldn't fix him, it wasn't my job to. The pain is gone. I accept it. I just want to say goodbye, he'll be worried that I just disappeared on him."

And that is your responsibility?

"No, but – please? I won't be able to rest if I don't."

You deserve peace.

"So can I go back?"

Does he deserve peace also?

"Yes, doesn't everyone?"

You have a pure heart, Charlotte.

"So I've been told."

Is it not a good thing for you?

"I've learnt that it is, yes."

Will you find peace in saying goodbye, even if he doesn't?

"Why wouldn't he?"

Goodbyes can be difficult. He may not accept yours.

"He'll be fine. I'll be fine. Just one goodbye?"

One goodbye, and you shall rest.

"Thank you, thank you!"

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