take off your clothes

Bắt đầu từ đầu

Xan snatched two and downed them. He eyed the glasses, "should I have given you one?"

"It be the gentleman thing but I'm not drinking"

"More for me" He grinned "about pretty boy #1, is he gonna stay quiet, is he gonna join us, talk?"

"I'm not sure, he'll be play nice, I'm sure of that though"

"He hasn't stopped looking at you"

"He knows we're murders, would you take your eye off us?"

"Definitely not me. I'm fucking sexy"

Rolling my eyes while dancing around with the group around me. I had to admit, I was pretty much enjoying myself right now. I didn't feel stressed or worried about work, I feel relieved.

I'm not doing anything that has to do with work tonight for the first time in awhile. I wonder if this is what Hellion had in mind when he wanted to be normal. I hope he's doing something he likes, something normal right now.

Xan pulls me back to dance with him, slowly getting Naroo to join too. Naroo seemed annoyed and barely indulged Xanadu in dancing with him. Xan shoved him away with a sour look and Naroo gladly left.

"You're still dancing right?" Xan asked. I nodded. He ran up to Daniel and pulled him in to dance instead. "Come on pretty boy! You look like you can dance!" He whipped him in the middle of everyone right next to me. Xan ran up to me, his face really close "The choreography is really easy for this song".

"What were you also an idol?" I laughed. He stiffened but kept dancing, "Yep! I didn't think Naroo would tell ya". He snatched a drink from Nat again while she served everyone, he handed it to Daniel, "Drink it, it tastes good~"

Daniel eyed it, "What is it?" He mumbled "Water?". Xan nodded, turning back to me. "He ever have a drink before?"

"if he's hung around Zoe, definitely"
I smirked, knowing damn well how much of a lightweight he is.

He wouldn't even drink when he was with me, and I paid!

Daniel downed it, swallowing it, it took a second for the taste to burn his throat before he tried spitting it out. He already looked buzzed.

Xan grinned at me. He was drunk too, he hid it well, his eyes switched on him all to well to hide from me. Xan looked down at me while I stared at him. "You hitting on me N/n?"

"What? No, I have to look at things to think about stuff better, so don't flatter yourself"

"And here I thought you thought no better of me then Leon, but hitting on me? Right after I just became free again?"

"Wait, you're single again? You get dumped?"

"She got shot twice in the head while I was in Italy" His smile wavered with hollow liquid courage. He must be having a hard time.

"I'm sorry"

"It's fine, nothing you did. The people that did it are dead already, except one and he's here in Korea"

"Well I hope you find him, tell me if you do, or I you need to talk Xan, I can add you to my collection of assassins in my house"

"That'd be nice but I won't be there much if I did"

"That's fine" I lifted his hand away from grabbing another drink "Nat is rarely there either but she has a stable home to go to" I patted his shoulder "think of it as really comfy therapy"

He chuckled. I sent him on his way to sit down and relax for a bit. I bump into someone when I turn around, Daniel had a strong grip on my forearms.

"Daniel, what are you doing?

A Comfortable Silence (Jayxreader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ