24: Funeral

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This morning was a mourning one, today was the funeral of the major. I didn't really care for him and his outcast hating children but he was still a father that now had left his children. So we all got ready, I was wearing a something not very appropriate for a funeral but fuck that old bitch, he hated outcast so I hate him, and I didn't forget to bring black roses for his grave.

I might get hate but I am bringing flowers that is not mean, I am being nice. We all got out theses surrounding the funeral the black roses in my hand rain getting all over me. I didn't care I was getting wet that was until someone put an umbrella over me. I look over an see Xavier looking down at me.

"You are going to get a cold" He whispers in my ear making me feel that feeling in my stomach, like all those years ago. I thought it was normal back then but I know understand I just got it with him.

"Its ok" I whisper back noticing him look at someone behind us, I look and see Wednesday already starring at us "Why are you so obsessed with me cousin?"

"I am not-" He starts but being cut off by me shushing him.

"Shh it is a funeral" I say back ignoring the look he gave me.

After a moment everyone starts to leave, I approach the grave throwing the roses at it. Xavier watches me as I do it.

"We should leave" Xavier says grabbing onto my shoulder leading me back.

"So we are talking now?" I ask as we walk over to the bus, he looks down at me stopping me in the middle of the street, he takes at-least minutes to start talking so I took at a cigarette and a lighter starting to smoke.

"Look I tried to talk to you the other day, but you were not in your room" He says and I blow the smoke out my mouth staring at him "Look the drawing of Wednesday was just... look I really like you I have since I was 6... and when we stopped talking it was cause I didn't want to ruin our... friendship... and when the other day... that happened... I thought yo might like... me back... and if you don't we can just... forget what happened" He stutters trying to find the words to describe what he was feeling.

"Xavier, I like you too but I can't... when you might like my cousin" I say blowing the smoke out my noise.

"Salem... Wednesday and you... like I like you-" Before he could finish Weems announced that we were leaving.

"Talk to you later Xavier" I say walking into the bus throwing my cigarette at the wet floor.


I was in my room alone... finally. Enid decided to go to Yoko's room, don't get me wrong love enid but she just too colorful for my liking and messy. I am thinking about today and what Xavier said, did he really like Wednesday cause if he does I do not think I can do anything with him if her likes my cousin. It might sound bad but I just can't bring myself to do it.

I look down seeing I got a text from... Xavier. He had texted me, oh my god I just cant stop. I look down at the text and see it says "Meet me at the shed" I look up at myself I was wearing the same thing than this morning, so I didn't have to get ready. I stood up walking out the school and into the woods.

As I see the shed the lights were on, I knock on the door a whispered "Come in" is what I hear.

"Hey, why ddi you text me?" I ask sitting on a stool staring at him paint something, a monster again...

"Can we finish the talk from before?" He asks finally looking at me, he grabs a stool bringing next to me sitting down

"Fine" I say looking at my hands which where taken by Xavier after a moment.

"Look I like you, and I did not igniter you because I am an asshole its because my feelings for you were too strong and I drew Wendy course she is a distraction from... you" He says but it. sounded mote like gibberish. "What I am trying to say is that I like you... but I kinda like Wednesday too"

"You don't even know her Xavier, you've know me for all of our lives, my parents treat you more like their child than me" I say in disbelieve "and you draw her, look at her with puppy eyes even after we kissed"

"I know but... I just don't know" He stutters and I feel like crying.

"So you say you have liked me sine we were 6 but the moment Wednesday comes along you fall involve with her! I don't get it Xavier she doesn't even show you attention" I exclaims, jealousy in my voice.

"You didn't show my any interest either" He says and I laugh sarcastically.

"Why do you think I never dated someone if we ever had a chance, I kissed you back for god sake" I exclaim "and even if I didn't a was there for you, I always there for you"

"Why dint you tell me?" He asks and I smile.

"Why didn't YOU tell me?" I ask him back and he laughs. "You are really into Formbs huh"

He starts leaning in I was about to before I stopped and moved.

"You need to diced who you like first, cause I am not going to be here competing with my cousin" I tell him standing up and leaving.


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