20: Birthday

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It had been a week since the parents weekend, when my parents left my mother hugged me my father did t even look at me my siblings hugged me. I haven't talked to them since. But today is not about me it is about Wednesday.

Thing, Enid and I have been planning this for 3 days ever since Enid found out it was Wednesday birthday soon we planned everything perfectly. Before she came o sprayed some perfume that smelled like death so it would smell like Wednesday childhood.

Currently me, thing, Xavier, Kent, Davina, Ajax and Yoko were waiting for Wednesday to come in Enid waiting outside to not mess up anything.

"Enid?" Wednesday exclaims as things make some noise to scare her. She continued walking before I coughed, Wednesday made some threat that I payed no attention too. We all came out shouting surprise. Then started singing happy birthday a present in my hands. Enid comes in with the black cake with the pink ballon she dioceses to add.

"I should have known you two were behind this" Wednesday days looking at me and thing.

"It was actually Enid too" I tell her smiling, she always celebrate perfectly Mortician and Gomez know their slighter berry well not like my parents that give my money and I do all the party preparations.

"What part of "no party under penalty of death" do you not understand?" Wednesday tells Thing.

"I thought my cake design was pretty inspired" Xavier says smiling, he haven't done anything for my birthday but let's ignore that.

"The pink balloon was my little touch" Enid says showing her the cake in more detail.

"Why don't you make a wish?" I ask but she ignored me turning around to some lettering on the wall.

"Wait, it's Latin" Wednesday says and I frown coming closer where she looked at. "Fire will rain.. when I rise"

"Isn't that what someone burnt into the grass?" I ask out loud.

"That's not really a wish" Enid says and I looks at her confused.

"The first part of that was burned onto Nevermore's lawn" Wednesday says.

"That is what I said" I said reviving a glare from the birthday girl herself.

"It can't be a coincidence" she continues.

"Wait, we're never eating that cake, are we?" Ajax asks and I shake my head at him and he looks done sadly. Wednesday reaches down for the wall and collapses I grab her qui chi Lily and I start hearing the whispers again causing my eyes to roll back onto my head.


I wake up on the floor Wednesday next to me, we both lol at each other confused.

"Crackstone is coming" the voice says as we both look up seeing the fences of an old house a girl behind them, they seemed familiar.

"Goody" Wednesday says and I jay keep quiet my head pounding.

"You're the Raven in my bloodline and you are the saviour in yours" She saya pointing at me and Wednesday.

"Wednesday, Lilith" She says teleporting to our right.

"I was told you could teach me how to control my ability" Wednesday says but I just close my eyes in pain.

"There is no controlling an scientific river" Goody responds, but I ignore her trying my best to control my magic form all the pain.


I open my eyes Wednesday still unconscious, everyone around us. I stand up quickly not caring that Wednesday head hit the floor.

Someone grabbed me shoulders making me face them "hey are you ok?" Xavier asks looking over my face.

"Yeah... Enid give this too Wednesday when she wakes up" I say in a rushed tone putting my present in her hand rushing off.

When I got to my room I when straight to the shower, u don't even take my clothes off my skin felt like it was burning off my body. I hate this feeling it happens once in a while when I don't use my magic for a long period of time. After 30 second under the ice cold water.

I hate this, I know I should talk to someone about how I feel but I don't want to feel weak and I have probably ruined Wednesday birthday. I hate how I ruin everything.

Everyone tells me I shouldn't blame myself so much, but I do it's in my nature. It's in my nature to have everything I do to myself.



I know this shorter than normal but I don't know what else to add

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