I Had a Craving For Hands.

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I woke up extra early cause today is the cross class battles to do multiple things. See the difference between Cultivators and Mages, look at the differences between levels of the Opus Magnum Chart, and to see who has talent. Because of this I skipped most of my morning exercises except for meditation. As I meditated I studied a lot of spells that range from Salt to Gold. In real time I only meditated an hour but for me it was a couple days.

Once done I headed to school only to be surrounded by a group of adults with swords, "Give up the Eevee or else." I looked up confused, "Are you team rocket?" The leader spoke, "No but..." "Then fuck off! I'm gonna be late to school." I interrupted before pushing him to the side to keep walking. They were stunned before one grabbed me with his cultivation active, "Last chance, give up the pet."

Eevee and I growled as we were done with them, "Stealing or attempting to steal a Soul Weapon let's the owner punish you as they feel fit. Ask for my Soul Weapon again and I will cut off all of your hands." They all laughed once they heard that. The leader then asked, "How's a Salt Mage gonna stop 10 Iron Cultivators?" This made me laugh as Eevee became gloves, "You're wrong, I'm a Lead Mage."

This startles them before I summon two Glaceon Swords, one regular and one shiny. With a few couple swings I knock them all out hitting their heads with the flat side of my blades before I cut off their hands. I of course use Flareon Shields to burn the wounds closed so they don't bleed out. There was a cop on the corner who heard everything who actually tried to arrest me for attacking them but when I mentioned the law about Soul Weapons he let me go to school.

After walking the rest of the way with a shield and scythe on my back since I was done dealing with idiots. We were all lead to the towns arena where we met the cultivator tower/school. The teachers did their speeches about how this is to help both towers see both classes are similar and unique at the same time. The arena was then split with elemental magic to create walls.

I was sitting in the bleachers waiting for my turn, petting Eevee, when another group of Iron Levels surrounded me. This time a mix of Mage and Cultivator and all students. "Give us your pet, you look too poor to take care of it properly." I glared at the goon, "It's a Soul Weapon so back off or I will do rule 723. Anyone that tries to take a Soul Weapon will be punished by the weapons owner as they see fit. So I can kill you if you choose to touch it."

One didn't believe me so using my scythe I cut off his hands making them all back off as he bleeds. "That's your final warning. Since you're a mage I'll heal your hands." With a smirk Eevee formed a shuriken in it's mouth before it suddenly became a mage wand. I grabbed it and healed his hands by painfully regrowing them. When he passed out I look at the others, "Wanna walk away or find out what regrowing organs feels like?" They all scattered before I sat back down and relaxed.

What I didn't know is that someone recorded it and sent it to everyone. I headed to the arena I was going to fight in only for my opponent to quit and run away before we even started. After the fifth one I growled, "If someone wants to fight me c'mon down I am tired of people running in fear." People called me a freak and such before someone yelled, "Why do you keep cutting off people's hands?!?!"

I did my best not to chuckle as a mean joke appeared in my mind. After checking the rules to see if mental games were allowed I answered. "My stomach was making the rumblies that only hands could satisfy." People freaked out before I laughed, "I'm kidding, they kept trying to take my Soul Weapon which is illegal. The law says I can punish as I see fit and thieves get their hands removed. Best you guys stop trying to take Eevee which is my Soul Weapon." With that I left the arena and kept waiting for a fight for me. Either way I had fun freaking people out.

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