First Class

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As I headed into my classroom everyone either looked at me with malice or envy. Everyone knew who I was from the towns test day since everyone goes to see what people get and snark at the weaker ones. I was one of the highest ones in a while other than the ice physique kid. After everyone get seated for this months class of salt level Mages the teacher pulled out a View Crystal. They are a crystal that holds videos, photos, and such. I don't really know how they are made but I love the video games ones. You just have to put them on a Rune Plate and they'll play and create controllers if it's a game.

The teacher put the View Crystal on a Rune Plate on his desk. From the crystal a huge flat area was created and we watched the introductory mage video explaining how mage levels are separated. Salt can't use more than 10 salt spells a day. Elementals can use the four elements in spells or even enhance salt spells with them. Then with the Mercury rank everything changes. This is when the most noticable changes start to happen.

When you become Mercury rank your blood, flesh, skin, etc begins to form tiny impure mana crystals. They don't amount to much at first but as you rank up and purify them as you form more you can cast more and much stronger spells. The difference in just Mercury to Tin is a difference of 1% purity to 10% which triples the amount of spells a person can cast without boosting them. Gold is the most powerful because they do more than just increase the purity. At that rank they must compress and repurify them repeatedly from them on to get stronger.

Thanks to the planets will I was already ahead of my classmates and was at the Mercury rank with a huge mana source in me. Technically I'm already a Gold Rank with Mercury level purity after compression but I can't exactly say that. Also I have a lot more mana crystals in my body than any one else.

The video soon ended and the teacher made me come to the front of the class. "Care to explain how you are already a Mercury?" I rubbed the back of my head, "My physique is unknown and World's Will helped me skip the soaking step all physiques need to start Mercury. It happened this morning during the mandatory meditation both side of the charts must do once they've chosen."

This made people laugh at my "lie". As they laughed the teacher knelt down, "Did you take any of the forbidden drugs?" I shook my head and suddenly the room began to shake. As it shook a window broke and a shiny Eevee jumped into the room and landed on my shoulder. The shaking then stopped and the Eevee spoke, "By the world's will I am here. His physique would have required him to find an area soaked in death and life. Not an easy place to find. So the world helped him skip that step and made me. I'm his Soul Weapon."

That made everyone freak out. Partly cause I have a Soul Weapon but mostly because my physique is life and death based. Those two elements are the strongest out there and are hard to ever use. If you have a slight affinity to them you're made to be a healer or assassin mage. Since I'm both I don't know what will happen. After everyone calmed down class resumed and I looked at my small silver fox that is currently asleep on my lap.

"A Soul Weapon huh, this will be fun." I muttered softly as I petted the Eevee and took notes. A Soul Weapon is not rare at all just people don't get them til they are at least Iron rank. The sooner you get one the more it can grow with you but if you don't get one til Gold it's already really powerful. I'm literally the youngest and lowest ranked ever to get one. There is no set way to get one either.

Soul Weapons can just appear as you sleep and kinda freak you out the next morning. Some have made items and they became much more as they synced up. Sometimes you can just find an old stick on the road and jokingly use it as a sword and boom magic Soul Weapon. Mine is unique in many ways. It's alive which is very rare, the world made it for me which is somewhat uncommon, and it's based off a shiny Eevee. My favorite pokemon!! Some have gotten game items or creatures before but never pokemon.

Soon class was over and I was told to head to the training grounds for finding out what my Soul Weapon can do. I picked up my sleeping Eevee and headed out there. Once there I explained what happened to the instructor. They understood and I woke up Eevee once they set up a barrier just in case.  With Eevee awake I asked, "Um, I know you were sleeping but we all kinda want to know what you can do." Eevee then chuckled and became two silver fingerless gloves on my hand.

Following pictures are from Yuuken on Etsy. These are the weapons for the next bit of the story. The center pin/sticker is a shuriken/throwing star and the main item.

 The center pin/sticker is a shuriken/throwing star and the main item

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I honestly was a bit disappointed by the gloves. They did look cool and all but I just thought they were gloves. As I looked them over shurikens suddenly formed in my hands. I quickly grabbed them so I didn't drop them and looked at them confused some. They both had 8 different gem points of different colors and a small spinning Eevee on top. One was normal and the other shiny.

After a bit I tried throwing them and, partly due to my past life, hit the targets right where I aimed. After throwing for a bit I watched all but 16 of the shurikens turn into dust and vanish. The ones left then showed off the really cool feature. Each spinning Eevee stopped on a different crystal forming a shiny and regular version of each of the following weapons.

Vaporeon Crossbow: forms water arrows that can go through steel. Even has a rapid fire option.

Sylveon Fans: Able to create big gusts of wind with a simple flutter of it. Can be used as a glitter bomb.

Leafeon Scythe: A very sharp scythe that can extend or shorten its staff or blade. The grass blade around the staff turns into a grip or can wrap around my hands.

Umbreon Chakrams: similar to the shurikens but they return to my hands. They do glow though so maybe if I fight a shadow monster or in the dark it'll help.

Jolteon Spear: Spear with a shocking effect. Ok it just lets me control lightning better. Can be used as a trident under water but I might want to practice a bit beforehand.

Glaceon Sword: A chilling blade of ice that freezes anything it cuts. I guess I can use this to cut meat to preserve it on the road when it's in dagger mode.

Flareon Shield: it's actually a cool shield that looks really adorable. Just don't be on the wrong side when it's attack reflection ability is on. It adds fire properties to any attack it reflects.

Espeon Wand: this one is very useful for me in this life. It's a magic focus and it reduces the amount of mana needed to cast a spell.

With the testing done Eevee returned to normal and sat on my head as I walked home. Everyone who saw was a bit jealous I had a cute pet. Once I got home my parents weren't happy I had it until I showed them it was my Soul Weapon. Needless to say some house rules were made right then. Eevee must stay in Eevee form inside. No summoning any weapons except maybe the Glaceon Sword in dagger form. The last rule is that Eevee is not to use any Pokemon moves inside the house. This round of life is going to be hectic.

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