33. Cynthia falls for Tori

Start from the beginning

"Oh, i have a headache" Tori said as the bell rang.

"That's lunchtime, get out" he said as everyone got up going to leave, as was i until beck grabbed my by the waist brining me back into class.

"hey, Cyn, Jade that's a nice sweater" Rex said referring to the matching sweaters Jade got us.

"Thanks', its made out of puppet hair" she said walking out as we all followed.

"Dang, woman"

"I wanttttt a smoothie" I said as Jade grabbed onto my arm.

"me too, lets get one" She said smiling.

"we don't have any today" Robbie said confused.

"But the smoothie place is down the street" Jade said smirking.

"No" Beck said as we were already waking away.

"Cynth-" but he was cut off as the door shut.

"Ah beautiful day" she said as i laughed

"even better day to get a smoothie" I smirked laughing.

"hi, we're back" I said sitting next to Beck, after me and Jade got our smoothies, But jade had to do something so we spilt ways.

"Hey" Beck said giving me a kiss, then pulling my leg onto his lap.

"hi" Cat said coming over.

"Look at the new costume i made" she said giggling.

"Can you guess who i am" she asked doing a little spin.

"no" beck said then went back to eating his food, earning in my slapping his arm.

"You're, uh, little boy poo" Andre said making me laugh.

"No dummy, she's little bo peep" I said drinking my smoothie.

"All rigth, can i jus tell you guys how much i am loving my new costume design class" She asked earning in Andre and Beck groaning.

"you guys are asses" I said rolling my eyes.

"Yes, tell me about your class" I said turning towards her.

"And my teacher says I have a gift for knowing peoples exact measurement's" she said making me smile.

"That's good cat, I'm glad you enjoy it"

"Hey peopleys" Robbie said coming over with Jade and Rex.

"I'm not with him" Jade said coming to sit next to me.

"Hey, Robbie, want me to tell you what size your pants are" Cat asked walking over to him.

"I already know, they're a size four" he said making me confused.

"Size four" Jade asked looking at him.

Cat giggled "That's how they measure girls pants" I said looking at him.

"what" he asked confused, before looking at Rex.

"Rex, you promised me these were boys' jeans"

Rex laughed "You've been Rex'd" he said making me laugh.

"Hey, Will you guys take a look at my headshot and resume" Tori asked coming over and passing out papers.




"Sure what for" Andre asked as Tori sat next to Jade and Cat.

"Sikowitz got me an audition for a movie" she said making me laugh.

"what" she asked confused.

I shook my head still laughing.

"what is it" Jade asked confused as i texted her.

'She has to fall off of a second story railing' I sent to her as she started laughing.

"you look 12 in this pic" Andre said earning in my agreeing.

"well, that was the last time i was shot by a professional photographer"

"our brother got shot by a clown" Cat said making me nod.


"Cause he kept poking him and saying 'what you gonna do about it clown, huh" I said smiling.

"It happened on a bus"

"Color the tiger" Jade said giving cat a paper and crayons.

"Yay crayons"

"Well, now i have to find a professional photographer"

"did someone say she needs a professional photographer" Sinjin asked coming over.

"Yeah, do you know one" she asked looking at him.

"nope" he said walking away.

"Yeah  i dont seem so weird anymore do i" Robbie asked.

"what did you say girl pants" Rex asked looking at Robbie.

"all right, you've got to work on this resume"

"what, what's wrong with it" she asked confused.

"you only have one play on here" Andre said looking at the resume

"well that's all I've ever been in"

"so" she asked confused.

"just say you've acted in more stuff" he said shrugging


"yes" Jade said looking at her.

"its not really lying" Beck said looking at the paper

"its exaggerating" Rex said.

"Did i mention the clown was our cousin"

"Jesse" I finished for her.

"Color the pretty tiger" Jade said earning in cat going back to coloring.

"So, back to me resume"

"you've got to add more things under "special skills" Andre said making me agree.

"yeah, you put bike riding as one, who cant ride a bike" I asked confused.

"take a guess" Rex said.

"can you keep any secret" Robbie said putting his hand over his mouth.

"So what special skills should i add" she asked.


"Martial arts"

"sky diving"

"Filtrations hair flipping"

"Ok, i do not flip my hair flirtatstiously"  she said looking at Jade.

"Oh really, this doesn't look familiar" Jade asked.

"Wey, hello, boys, my name is tori Vega, buy me some licorice and ill give you a kiss" she said in a southern accent while flipping her hair

"I talk nothing like that"

"Seriously do i talk like that" she asked as everyone started talking like Tori and Flipping their hair.

"oh, and add annoying" I said as the bell rang.

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now