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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬.

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Knock Knock

"That must be the new student, please, come in!" Someone on the other side of the door says.

You had a feeling everyone was watching and waiting for your arrival, which doesn't help with the nervousness you felt. Being a new person in a whole new school isn't something fun. Karasuma, one of the physical education teachers, said he'd introduce you to your new class, so why isn't he here?

All of a sudden, the door opens, and Karasuma is behind you.

"After you," the male says, like the gentle man he is.

You smiled politely and made your way into the classroom, closely followed by Karasuma.

Turning towards the class, you take a deep breath.

"Hi, my name is (name) Jelavic, and I hope we all get along well."

You scanned around the class, taking in all the new faces and making a mental note to learn most of their names by today.

There was a moment of silence before the whole class shouted, " WHAT?! "

You were clearly confused.

"What do you mean, what?" You questioned.

"Are you actually related to miss bitch!?" A girl with blue eyes and blonde hair asks as she stands up in her seat.

"Everyone calm down and Nakamura sits down, please." Karasuma says as he tries to get everyone under control.

"Only if (name) wishes to and is comfortable, she'll explain everything. But for now, continue with your lessons." He says and walks out of the class.

"Okay, (name), you can sit at the back next to Karma. Karma, raise your hand please." Korosensei says as a redheaded boy raises up a hand.

You walk towards the back and take a seat next to 'Karma'.

"Psst." You hear someone whisper-shout, it probably wasn't directed at you. Why would it be?

"Hey, new girl!"

You turned your  head to the direction the voice was coming from, which was to the right. Captivating mercury gold eyes rivalled your ethereal (e/c) ones.

"I have a name y’know?" you deadpan, and he just rolls his eyes.

“Could really care less.” he rudely responds back.

Yeah, you and this boy were not going to get along. Funny of you to think that he was nice. Oh well, you were taught not to judge someone by their appearance.

A rule of being an assassin.

You kiss your teeth and turn back to the board, wanting to know what the yellow octopus was yapping about.

“Oi!” he calls out again, but you pay no mind. Sometimes it's not hard to ignore people, but this guy is really testing your patience today.

He throws a pen on your desk, and you just push it on the floor.

You could already tell he was getting annoyed.

“I really should call you bitch. Jr.. you act just like your sister. Attitude and all.” he grumbles and manspreads in his chair. At least he stopped talking.

“Okay, so as a summary of what we’ve been learning about in maths so far, (name).. Oh is it okay to call you (name)? I figured you might not like your surname considering who also shares it.. Ah! D-Don't take that the wrong way! Your mother is nice and all but—” you groan internally and decided to stop this teacher’s panicked rambling.

“(name) is fine, thank you.” you speak up and naturally, everyone turns to look at you.

“Okay! Anyway, as I was saying, we have been learning about compound interest! I’m sure you’ve already learnt this in the A class, right?” you nod in response. However, you were more interested in something else.

How did Korosensei know who your mother was? She told you that she hadn't gotten any missions for months now and was just doing paperwork in her office everyday. Did she lie? Gonna have to ask her about that later.

The fact that you already knew about this maths topic, that was no surprise to everybody. All the kids in the A class were geniuses, and we’re far ahead of the rest of the school academically.

In fact, before you were forced to switch classes, the elite class was already a bit of calculus! Junior high students wouldn't even dream of looking at the name of that subject due to their year in school. It was just so far ahead.

“Smartass..” you hear the same voice snicker next to you. Why was he so annoying!? His face definitely doesn't match his personality.

But it was the same face that you so very badly wanted to beat into a bloody pulp! But you obviously can't, you have to keep up  the “lil miss good girl” facade up. Maybe it’ll break sooner than you hope though..

Korosensei notices how half of his students are obviously sneaking glances in your direction.

“Seeing as no one is paying attention, you all get extra homework for our next maths class!” groans echoed around the room and slowly turned into protests, saying how they really wanted to learn maths right now.

“Uh-uh! I’ve made my decision and that's final! Now pay attention.” he grins once he sees your annoyed face glaring straight at him. It's your first day and he’s already put you into a pool of misery. What did you even do?!

“Ah, everyone except  (name), since she’s new!” At that, he continues droning on about compound interest, something you won't ever use when you become an assassin.

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edited: 11th March 2024.

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