Chapter 6| King of Vampire world

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Hoseok opened the wardrobe and took the book out

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Hoseok opened the wardrobe and took the book out. He caressed the book, starring at how it is still safe and never got found by anyone

Her only comfort

This book was famous among humans and Hoseok took interest in it. He knew it was based on real life

It's a story of a girl and a leopard, both of their eyes were blue.

The girl was gone to forest, to find that mysterious leopard. One day she was getting chased by the hungry wolfs, she ran not knowing where the path will take her

She found a tree which was easy to climb. She heard the growls and immediately knew they were close. If she doesn't take any action, she will be killed by them

She ran towards the tree and holds it then tried to climb but her dress couldn't allow it. The wolf came closer and pulled her down with the dress

She screamed in fear and cried

Suddenly the wolfs growled while backing away. She started taking deep breaths and got confused by their moves

They were scared

Something jumped infront of her making her flinch and close her eyes

When she opened her eyes, it was met by the blue sharp eyes staring at them.

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