Chapter 3|Prince Min Yoongi

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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

" Thankyou"

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

" Thankyou"

The girl politely bowed to you as her mother came out from their house with a bag

" Mention not....I can't just stand there and watch a girl getting sold " You said putting your hands on her shoulder

Mother of a girl handed you the bag, there were some food in there. You smiled and thanked them

" Uh! Can you tell me your name? I am So-yeon" She asked and told her name

You stopped looking at the food as she grabbed your attention by telling her name. Now you miss your best friend

" I am Y/n " you said

After some talk you left from there

You were again in the market area but you saw there were few people now and the shops were closed

What happened?

" Hey girl you dropped this " A voice came from behind you

You stopped and turned around, your eyes caught a tall man standing in a black plain shirt and a black coat which reached till his knees. He was wearing a black pant. His hairs were also in black colour

He smiled cheekily when he noticed you were checking him out

" my eyes are up here " He said in his deep voice and letted out a chuckle

you blushed and stared at his eyes...Wait they were purple in colour. Something was off about him
His aura was not like others. You saw him holding a golden bracelet which belonged to you. You took it from his hands and bowed

" Thankyou " You said

" What's your name? " He suddenly asked

You looked up at him with wide eyes as you felt cold air hitting your both bodies. There was a moment of silence between you both as he waited for your response

" It's Y/n " You said noticing the voice was unusual

You stood there as your heart beat was increasing because of his stare and a smile was forming which was not innocent

" Y/n.....I am Min yoongi " He introduced as his eyes glowed which made you gasp and take a step backward

Yoongi noticed it and took a step forward

" Y-yoongi....You mean the great prince Min yoongi " You whispered

He smiled and stretched his hand out to catch your shaking body

Oh no they showed up!!! I should run

" Where are you going! Not everyone knows us and you how?....I still haven't tasted you " He said licking his lips and tightened his grip

You tried to free from his grip as it started to hurt

Why you don't remember this scene? According to the plot, female lead was sold out by her step parents and that's when she met them

" Let me go you b*stard " You said through gritted teeth and glared at him

Yoongi chuckled and leaned closer to your face " What if I don't?" and said to your face

You creepily smiled and " Then I won't hesitate to tear you apart and make your brothers eat it " Your voice got deeper with each sentence. Suddenly his grip got loosen as he let go off your arms and disappears into thin air

" What was that? " You whispered not caring about the wound in your arms. You shivered when you felt cold and rubbed your sides but the weather is not cold.
Yoongi walked through the cold and dark aura hallways of mansion. The Workers, Guards and everyone on the way bowed to him fearing if they don't, they will face worst punishment. He furiously walked while ignoring them not caring to spare a glance

He took a left turn and saw two guards guarding a door. They bowed and opened it for him

After he was inside, He stared at the man infront of him, he had white hair and grey eyes

He smiled when he notices Yoongi in his room

" Greetings to Prince Jin " Yoongi said bowing

Jin nodded his head and got up from his bed to wear his shirt

" So, what good news you brought today?" He asked fixing his hair. Yoongi was about to answer until he notices a girl laying on the bed, blanket barely covering her naked body but she didn't care because she was


" Father said to not bring human girl in the mansion " Yoongi said in a cold tone

Jin chuckled " I don't care what that old man says and also I am gonna be the future king. So, tell me the news and if it is not good then in this mansion only six brothers will live " Jin said showing his red glowing eyes

Yoongi clenched his fists and forced himself to bow and " I apologise " said through greeted teeth

Jin smiled in pure evilness " Spit out now "

" Today I met a girl " He started, his eyes turning red when he remembered how your eyes turned in blue colour..He could see the pure anger towards him

Jin's ears perked up at the mention of a girl, He nodded for him to continue. Yoongi sighed out and continues after clearing his throat

" She was so beautiful and her skin, it felt so soft around my fingers. Her eyes, it looked they held heaven in it..But when she gets angry they turn into hell, in a blue icy cold colour..." Yoongi explained as he notices how Jin is starting to take interest

" That made me feel something.....I was weak for those eyes " He said touching his chest where his heart was but it didn't beat

Suddenly Jin started laughing while hitting the table beside him. He stopped immediately lips turning into a smirk as he looked at yoongi who was also smiling now

" We found her finally " Jin said loudly then laughs like a psycho
He walks towards yoongi and asked

" What's her name "

" Lee Y/n " yoongi answered

" Y/n....Interesting " Jin whispered eyes turning back into it's original colour

Yoongi watched his older brother take a seat on the chair. he walked towards the chair beside him and sits on it

" So, what are you thinking hyung? " Yoongi asked noticing jin deep in thought

He suddenly smiled and turns to yoongi

" what?"

" We take her today "

Jin said making yoongi shock but agree at last

You shivered again and stood to close the window and went back to the desk where you left some pages on it

" why am I getting a bad feeling? " you mumbled

Suddenly you heard a loud banging sound which made you get up and run towards the hall

You stopped and notices something which made your eyes go wide and a gasp left out of your mouth

" W-what is this? "

You said pure horror

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