Chapter 15

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"Hurry up slowpoke" Henry said as he walked arm in arm with his wife in Diagon alley, Harry walked alongside them, holding Jet in his arms with Milky the snake resting on Jet's shoulder. They had just exited Gringotts after getting enough money to collect Harry's school supplies for his second year.

"Uncle Henry, can we get something for Jet? He's hungry" Harry said

"We'll get your school supplies first then we'll buy him something" Harry responded

"We'll get something to eat as well" Aunt Gwen said "what do you want Harry?"

"Can I have some ice cream?" Harry asked hopefully

"It is pretty hot" Gwen shrugged

"Fine, ice cream with the conditions of completing your school shopping and good behaviour" Henry said

"Brill" Harry grinned

"We spoil him sometimes" Gwen sighed dramatically as she looked at her husband

"Yes, we do" Henry said, equally dramatic

"Please you love it" Harry replied

"Gwen" Henry said

"Yeah?" Gwen replied

"I think we've been bad influences"

"Yes...or we could blame it on Padfoot"



"You're right" Henry conceded "totally Padfoot's fault"

"I don't know why we have to buy all these" Harry groaned as he looked at his school list

"What is it?" Aunt Gwen asked

"Look at this book list for defence against the dark arts. It's just Lockhart books!" Harry exclaimed, glaring at the offending list

"Let's see" Henry took the list

'Ah' Gwen spoke to Henry through their mental connection 'we forgot about that'

'Yes, I sort of feel bad now' Henry replied

'Ah well, a little suffering won't hurt him, consider it payback for that time he called me fat'

'He called you heavy' Henry pointed out

'Which means fat' Gwen argued

'Don't exactly agree with that but I know better to argue with you'

'Good, besides I'll be there so I'll make sure things don't get too out of hand'

"Well kid" Henry said to Harry "looks like your new teacher is either a Lockhart fan, an idiot or Lockhart himself, if I had to guess then I'd say all three, basically the same thing anyway."

"Bet it's all three" Gwen said

"Merlin, I hope it's not all three" Harry shuddered. The three entered the book store only to find it nearly full, as predicted, they saw Lockhart standing at the other end of the shop, smiling and waving.

"Goodness me" Gwen sighed before turning to Harry "you stay here, I'll take mercy on you and buy your books so we can be out of here as soon as possible." She turned and left to quickly fetch the books

"Appreciate your aunt Harry" Henry said "appreciate your aunt"

"Definitely" Harry nodded quickly

"When we get home I want you to behave and remember to give her a good shoulder rub, she likes those and I think after a year of protecting you from Dumbles, she rather deserves it."

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