Chapter 09

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Harry made his way to breakfast the next day, he saw Daphne at the Slytherin table and made his way over and sat next to her.

"Hi Daph" Harry smiled, turning his hair into a silver colour and his eyes back to his natural green

"Hey Harry" She smiled back "didn't think you'd sit at the Slytherin table. Are you even allowed to do that?"

"Yeah, Aunt Gwen said that you only had to sit at your own table at the sorting feast, any special holiday feasts and at the leaving feast. Other than that you can sit where you want"

"And you chose next to me" Daphne placed a hand over her chest and looked at him with a mock surprised look

"Don't flatter yourself" Harry shook his head in amusement "it was simply a coincidence that you were the first person here that I knew"

"Mr Potter" A silky smooth voice spoke, the two looked up to see Professor Snape looking at them "what are you doing?"

"I'm sitting with my friend for breakfast sir" Harry answered

"At the Slytherin table?" Snape raised an eyebrow

"Doesn't matter to me what house she's in" Harry shrugged "I think each house has their own noble heritage and neither one is better than the other."

"Hmm" Snape nodded approvingly "very well, just don't cause any problems while at this table"

"I won't sir" Harry nodded

Snape turned and walked off, in full honesty this was not how he expected his first meeting with James Potters spawn to go but he had decided to act at least neutral with the boy for the sake of his survival. Before Potter had come to Hogwarts, Mrs Potter had taken Snape aside and told him he had better treat Harry Potter fairly.

Snape didn't back down at first, which was how he found himself hanging upside down, getting dowsed with water whilst receiving the worst tongue lashing he had ever gotten from a person since Lily. One thing Snape noticed was that Potters always seemed to choose a woman capable of keeping people in line, he suspected that was probably so those very woman could keep them in line.

His interaction with Potter reminded him how Lily offered to sit with him when they were in school but he had told her not to because the Slytherin's wouldn't have let her come anywhere near them. Gwen Potter had told him that Harry was just as much Lily as he was James, Snape didn't really believe that but he'd see for himself soon enough.

"So…that's your head of house?" Harry said to Daphne

"Yep" She nodded "nothing like yours"

"I don't know about that, I'm sure the guy dressed in all black could find something in common with the gardener if they really tried" Harry joked

"Hey Harry" Gwen walked up to them

"Hi Aunt Gwen" Harry grinned

"That's Professor Potter to you" She said but she didn't really look like it bothered her. "Sitting at the Slytherin table? How brave of you" she joked

"Yeah well when you live with Uncle Henry not much scares you" Harry replied

"True" Gwen agreed "just wanted to let you remember to go to Professor Sprout before you leave to get your schedule"

"Ok, thanks" Harry nodded

"And Daphne" Gwen added "keep him out of trouble please"

"Hey" Harry objected

"I will try my best" Daphne said "as futile as my attempts will be"

"Why are we ganging up on me?" Harry asked

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