Chapter 01

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Harry and Ginny found themselves in a new world for what felt like the hundredth time. Harry was the master of death and Ginny his companion and that meant that they would never die. They'd just move on to a new world every five hundred or so years.

In his first life he had been Harry James Potter, since then he had taken many identities in many worlds. In one world he was a pirate, in another he was Robin Hood, he was a Viking in one life, a healer in another and a warrior in another one. In his last life he was Hadrius Black, the older brother of Sirius and Regulus Black while Ginny was born as Gwen Peterson, a muggleborn witch.

Harry and Ginny transformed their clothes, they both now wore black shoes, blue jeans, a white shirt and a black jacket. They exited the alley that they arrived in and found themselves in a street, it was dark, they guessed that it might be midnight or close to it.

"Hey Harry, look at yourself" Ginny said "you look like Harry Potter again"

"Really?" Harry looked at a reflection of himself in a glass window "wow, I do. Bit of a shame, I was rather fond of my Hadrius Black look" As Hadrius Black Harry had higher cheek bones and a slightly different jaw, the biggest difference was the grey eyes and tameable hair.

"I don't know" Ginny pecked him on the lips "while Hadrius Black was brilliant, I prefer Harry Potter"

"And I prefer Ginny Weasley" Harry kissed her back, when Ginny was Gwen Peterson she looked the same, except for higher cheekbones and blue eyes. "Hmm, so what should we do now?"

"I don't know, where are we?"

"Muggle London" Harry guessed

"Probably, we should ask someone what the date is" Ginny suggested

"Stop thief!" A voice shouted, Harry and Ginny turned to see a shop keeper chasing after a laughing man with beer bottles in his hands. Sensing an opportunity, Harry ran after him. He rushed past the shop keeper and tackled the thief to the ground, he struck the man in the fact, knocking him unconscious.

"Well, that was fun" Harry commented as he stood up

"Thank you!" A worn out shop keeper said when he caught up to them "thanks a lot, don't know how I can repay you"

"How about a free newspaper and two bottles of water and we'll call it even?" Harry replied

"Deal" The shop keeper coughed, he turned and pointed to his shop "my shops that one over there, go and help yourself, while I call the police"

Harry and Ginny made their way into the shop and true to their word, took nothing more than two bottles of water and a newspaper. The two gulped down their bottles, travelling through worlds did make them thirsty, once they finished they tossed the bottles into a nearby bin.

"Okay, let's see the date" Ginny opened the newspaper, Harry looked over her shoulder at the date and his eyes widened.

"SHIT!" Harry cursed

"What? What is it?" Ginny turned but by that point Harry had begun running.

Ginny ran after him, Harry ran back into the alleyway they had exited frim, Ginny followed. Harry, once he was sure that no muggles would see him, apparated away. Ginny apparated after him, using their connection to follow him.

Harry Potter and The Lightning ChildМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя