Chapter 13

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"I'm home" Harry smiled as he entered Potter manor, taking in the beauty of his home.

"Pup!" Sirius cried with joy

"Cub!" Remus wasn't far behind and Harry found himself being engulfed in a big hug between his godfather and Uncle Moony

"Miss me then?" Harry smirked as he hugged back

"Yeah" Uncle Henry said as he walked up behind him "Sirius was so happy that he nearly wet himself"

"Only a few times" Sirius said distractedly before letting Harry go "oh, look at you pup, you've grown"

"He can shape shift you know" Remus pointed out as he let go

"Oh, Harry" Stink popped in "it's good to see you young master"

"You too Stink" Harry picked up the elf and pulled him into a hug "missed you little buddy"

"Thank you" A happy Stink replied after being put back down

"You're welcome" Harry smiled

"Stink" Uncle Henry said "take Harry's stuff to his room, we'll call you later when we've decided what to eat" As soon as stink popped away a bright flame appeared above everyone else and a familiar Phoenix flew in to the room and landed on top of Uncle Henry's head

"Ah, and there's Flame" Gwen smiled at Flame, Harry's (Henry's) Phoenix from his previous life

"Hi Flame!" Harry said enthusiastically to the phoenix who trilled with happiness, Henry bent down enough for Harry to be able to pet it. "Can Flame eat with us today?"

"Only if he gets off my head" Henry said and Flame jumped off and landed next to Harry, he didn't like being so low on the ground but he figured a few moments were worth making the little human happy

"Awesome!" Harry petted Flame as his hair turned to match his colours. Sweet Merlin that really amused the Phoenix.

"What do you mean you can't punish him?!" Umbridge screeched at Amelia Bones, who wasn't really looking forward to talking to Umbridge or Fudge, so naturally they both had to appear in front of her as she prepared to make her way home.

"It means, Dolores, that I can't legally punish the man who magic itself has permitted to be above the law" Amelia replied in a voice that would make you believe she had said this ten times before

"He used an unforgivable on me!"

"You're lucky that's all he did to you" Amelia replied "you were warned not to antagonise him yet for some reason you thought to your self 'I know what I shall do, I will antagonise the Lord of multiple most ancient and noble houses, head auror, and person permitted to do whatever the hell he wants by magic itself along with the most powerful wizard currently alive, fortunately they're all rolled into one person. Oh look, there he is now, accompanied by Sirius Black who happens the second best auror in the department, Lord of the most ancient and noble house of Black and the person the ministry unjustly sent to Azkaban'. Do forgive me if I don't feel a great deal of sympathy"

"Now, now" Fudge intervened, trying to stop things from getting worse "Dolores does have a point, some action will need to be taken"

"Fine" Amelia sighed, ignoring the triumphant look of Umbridge "I'll give him a warning when he returns from his holidays"

"A warning?!" Umbridge blinked "For an unforgivable?!"

"Well, I can't fire him as pretty much all of our aurors are motivated by the fact that he is here and he is our best auror. Besides, I can only punish him as his boss, what else do you expect me to do? I can't send him to jail and with the amount of money he's got he can fire an unforgivable at you every day for a year and still have plenty left. Face it, you're trying to make an enemy out of someone you do not want to cross. Messing with him is suicide in every possible way. Good day to you" Amelia said before walking away

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