Chapter 11

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"W…what do y…you want?" Quirrell stuttered

"I want to get rid of you" Henry said simply

"B…but I…"

"Quirrell" Henry cut him off "that stutter of yours is really irritating and I will rip your throat out if you do it one more time. Now shut your mouth, turn around and let me talk to your master"

"How did you know?" Quirrell paled, he didn't even notice that he had lost his stutter

"Are you going to let me talk to Voldie or do I have to remove your head?"

"How dare you address my master like that?! You…" Quirrell was cut off by Henry slapping him across the face, Quirrell stumbled back and landed face first on his desk. Harry clicked his fingers and his turban disappeared, revealing the face of Voldemort.

"Hi Tom" Henry smiled

"Who are you?!" Voldemort demanded

"I'm Henry Potter, Lord of multiple most ancient and noble houses, destroyer of dark wizards and wrecker of your shit. Pleasure to meet you"

"How did you know I was here?"

"That's not what we should be asking, what we should be asking is are you planning to hurt my nephew? I believe the answer is yes, and for that, I'm going to kill you. Usually I'd have a chat, but I'd rather not waste too much time with you"

"You dare to think you stand a chance against…" Voldemort was cut off by Henry placing his hand over Voldemorts mouth

"Do you know what death taste likes?" Henry asked as his hand glowed green, Voldemorts screams were muffled by Henry's hand. One green blast later, Quirrell was dead and Voldemort was gone.

"All in all, a good day's work" Henry said before popping out, unaffected by the apparation wards.

"So, what exactly is the problem?" Gwen asked Professor McGonagall and Hermione, even though she had a good idea.

"Miss Granger" McGonagall prompted Hermione

"Well miss" Hermione said "first of all, Harry keeps changing his hair and eye colours into ridiculous colours. He makes them pink and blue and purple and just about any colour he wants, even though it's not appropriate for school. He says he's a metamorphmagus but it's clear that he has complete control of his abilities"

"That's where you'd be wrong" Gwen replied "yes Harry is a metamorphmagus but he doesn't have complete control."

"But I've seen him change his hair on purpose"

"True" Gwen nodded "he can change it on purpose but he can't always control it. For example, if he gets angry then his hair usually turns either red or white. In the past Harry has tried to keep his hair and eyes simple colours like black, but he can't control them for long periods of times. With metamorphmagus's it's easier to have brighter colours as they stay that way longer. If Harry made his hair black then it would stay black for about a few minutes while if he made it pink it would probably stay that way for most of the day.

In Hufflepuff, there is a seventh year called Tonks, she's older and has better control than Harry and even she occasionally has trouble keeping her hair under control, that's why she usually sticks with pink."

"But that can't be right" Hermione replied

"Miss Granger, I've raised Harry all of his life and I know at least two other metamorphmagus's if you include the seventh year I've mentioned. Forgive me if I think I'm more qualified to lecture others on metamorphmagus's than you"

"Sorry miss" Hermione blushed in embarrassment

"That's alright, is there anything else?"

"Yes" Hermione nodded "I think it isn't fair that Harry learnt about magic before coming here"

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