xxi - Sydney Australia

Start from the beginning

Demi smiles at Spencer while Rita orders some food. They ate lunch together, planning what they should do for today. They had decided to go to the Sydney Opera House because Spencer begged, even went on her knees, to go so they cave in and after that, they decided to go to Bondi Beach. Demi called Francisco to see if he wanted to join them but denied, saying he had to meet up with some people first. Demi shrug it off and went with the girls.


"Oh Nelly," Spencer gasps, looking around with awe and starstruck. Demi rose a brow, she wasn't really a fan of Classical or Opera music, but it seem Spencer was, since she kept talking about professionals a few minutes ago.

"This is so awesome, I can't believe I'm here. . . I've always wanted to come here." Spencer says while Rita trailed in front of them, going along with the tour group. Demi hung back with Spencer, her hands in her pockets while Spencer took a bunch of pictures.

"Well, better believe it." She says, and walks over to the group since they were exiting the main room. Demi was almost the last person out when she realize Spencer wasn't following her. She turns around and finds Spencer on the stage, fingers tracing a cello. Demi looks around, noticing they were the only ones in the room before shutting the door behind her. She decided against calling out to Spencer, curious of what she was doing. So Demi takes a seat in the shadows and watches as Spencer grabs a chair and pulls it up. She sits down, with the cello between her legs and one hand on the neck while the other held the bow.

Spencer looks around, searching for anyone but doesn't notice Demi sitting in the shadows. She then looks down at the cello and smiles.

She begins to play.

By the time Spencer finished, Demi's jaw was on the floor and her eyes wide with surprise. She was beyond impress that Spencer could play so beautifully, so passionately, so intriguing that Demi wanted to listen to more. When Spencer stop, Demi launch onto her feet and started to clap loudly.

"Hell yeah! You fucking killed it! Slay that son of a bitch! That was absolutely amazing! You blew my brains!" Demi said, cheering as she walk down the aisle to Spencer, grinning widely as she clap her hands.

Spencer stands up, holding the cello as she watches Demi walk to her. She thought she was alone, but guess she was wrong. "Uh, I thought I was alone." Spencer shuffles on her feet, her face flushing a bright red of embarrassment.

Demi grins widely at her as she climbs up the stage. "No, I was sitting in the back. Blondie, with a talent like that, you can get into Julliard." She says, coming to stand in front of her. Spencer blushes even more, but felt proud of herself that she could impress someone other than professors and directors.

"Thank you." She says shyly and Demi chuckles.

"You got it kid. I didn't even know you play the cello," Demi smiled at her as Spencer puts the cello back into place. They take a seat on the edge of the stage beside each other.

"Well my parents wanted me to play something so they told me to pick one. I picked the cello. But I never actually got one, like to own. And I would always just use my teacher's." Spencer says, shrugging.

Demi smiles, nudging her with her shoulder. "Sounds cool."

Spencer swings her legs back and forth. "Yeah. What about you? Was there something you wanted to be if not a street racer and fighter?" Spencer asks Demi, looking up at her.

Demi smiles, her eyes wandering across the huge room. "A singer. But that's impossible," She laughs softly.

Spencer gaped at her. "What? No come on! It isn't impossible! Do it, sing, I wanna hear you." She says and Demi shakes her head.

"It's not happening." Demi snorts, shaking her head.

Spencer narrows her eyes at her. "You are so going to sing to me some day, I'll make you do it, somehow." Spencer says and Demi smiles, looking at her.

"I like to see you try," Demi grins at her.

Before they could talk anymore, the tour guide they were with had pop his head back in the room. "Ladies, what are you doing? You're suppose to be with the group," He says and Demi hops off the stage.

"Sorry sir, we got lost." Demi lied, shooting Spencer a secret smile.

Spencer smiled back.


"Do you think we could see some kangaroos?" Spencer asks, looking over at Rita as they walk on the beach.

"Probably, maybe, I don't know." Demi shrugs, her hands on Spencer's thighs to holding her. She was giving Spencer a piggyback ride.

"I wanna get a Aussie boyfriend," Rita says, grinning as she heard people talk with their accents.

"I love Australia!" Spencer says, arms wrap around Demi's neck.

Demi pat her pockets, checking for her phone but realize it wasn't there. "Ah crap, guys I left my phone in my car, I'll be right back." Demi says, letting Spencer go back on her feet.

She turns to them and they nodded. "Okay, then I'll go check me out some Aussies." Rita says, laughing as she starts to walk over to a group of guys. Spencer rolls her eyes at Demi while Demi just wink at her before Spencer follows Rita.

Demi walks back to the buildings, regretting parking her car in the city instead of the parking lot by the beach. She takes a short cut in a alley, her hands in her pockets as she looks around.

She hears footsteps behind her and looks at the person. She saw a guy dressed in all black walking toward her, a hoodie over his head. She then looks the other way, seeing four figures walking toward her. She was trap.

Well, these people certainly have a death wish.

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