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The next morning I woke up next to Sad Eyes and we were both naked.. and in his room... I looked at my phone and saw I had a dozen missed calls and texts from my gang I read all of them and saw that someone killed Pretty Boy I freaked out and tried rushing out quietly but than he woke up and stopped me

Sad Eyes: hey where are you going? why are you naked? wait why am I naked?

Santana: nope! stop don't say a word I don't even think I wanna know.. this stays between us.. okay half the Santos are calling me a whore and some random ass guys I don't know are calling me a whore so this stays between us okay? I need to go home it's an emergency

Sad Eyes: yeah.. and we definietly did it.. I feel sticky down there... damn I don't even remember if it was good or not

Santana: no stop shut up.. im leaving goodbye.

I called Hermosa and she told me that they're going out to find who killed and they left my kids with my aunt. I said okay and started heading home so I can change and join them. Since they were all out that meant no on was supposed to be home but when I got home I heard someone in my room. I went inside quietly and took out the gun Sad Eyes gave me and continued quietly until I got to my door. When I opened it I saw Slickback with his back facing towards me. I just put my gun down on the table behind me and started walking closer towards him

Santana: jesus dude what're you doing here? haven't you heard they killed Pretty Boy.. im came home to change and than I was gonna join everyone else. wait why are you in my room?

Slickback: ... I killed him and I came back to kill you.. because you killed my brother

Santana: what? you killed Pretty Boy? why?

Slickback: because it was your idea to kill him but he actually did it thats why..

Santana: wait your brother? didn't you say he was a prophet? we've never killed a prophet who was your brother?

Slickback: do you know my full name? It's Chris Molina my brother was Johnny Molina.. Tweety?

Santana: oh fuck he's your brother?

Slickback: he was.. I was the one who found him and a few hours later I went to your house to join your gang just so I can get close enough to kill you.. truthfully I was planning on kill one of your kids.. but than I got too close to them.. than I decided why not one of YOUR brothers but they became my best friends and so I decided why not just kill you? you and I aren't even that close so it won't hurt me a single bit. 

I turned around to run for my gun but than got knocked out and saw black.

Sad Eyes POV

After Santana left I was trying to remember last night but I just couldn't and so I just made my way to Spooky's house and since we lived houses apart it wasn't a far walk. We just chilled drinking and smoking and I was asking him about last night than out of no where Santana's cousin busted into the house with her gang.

Toxico: where's Santana?

Sad Eyes: she went home said it was a gang emergency why?

Toxico: he killed Pretty Boy and now he's after her.

Sad Eyes: woah what who?

Toxico: Chris. we found out that he is the brother to one of the people Santana had him kill.. he killed Pretty Boy as revenge and now he's after her because she sent him to do it.

I ran to my house and I got my gun and than ran to her house and got there before everyone else. I saw that she was passed out and blood coming out of her head. I heard footsteps behind me and look and saw he was coming back with tape. He ran towards me and I ran towards and we just started fighting. I heard a gunshot and I looked down and saw he shot me I shot him back and he died immidietly. I crawled to Santana and laid next to her just admiring her beautiful face. I saw her eyes open so I looked at her in her eyes and her face as I gave her a kiss

Sad Eyes: Santana.. I love you

I kissed her one last time and she closed her eyes than I closed mine.

Santana's POV

I woke up in the hospital bed with everyone around me except for Sad Eyes. I sat myself up as everyone noticed I was awake.

Sapo: hey how're you feeling?

Santana: im good.. where are the kids?

Gabe: your aunt has them in the cafeteria

Hermosa: i'll go get them for you be back.

Santana: where's Sad Eyes?

Spooky: He's in a coma.

They took me to see him and it just looked like he was sleeping I wanted to go to sleep next to him. After I was discharged they took me home and they told me that he killed Chris.

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