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I decided to go to the hospital with Santana. Sapo stayed too, god this kid this is my girl.. we wanted to have her calm down before asking for Ale. I hope that kid is okay. 2 days go by and Santana is doing good we're waiting for her to wake up. we still havent found Ale but when she wakes up and she's ready to go than we're gonna help her find him. The next day she finally woke up. she went crazy asking where Ale was I gave it to her straight forward. We couldn't find him no one could. She broke down, when she finally stopped she just laid down and didn't talk to us or her gang. The cops came in to question her about her baby daddy so they can help find Ale, they think that her baby daddy found out he had a son.

cop: I know you wanna help find him but you know you cant.. and we know the prophets took him.. its possible that he knows about his sons existence and know he wants him.. we've searched everywhere for him.. all over Prophet territory.. he wasn't there.. was there ever a place he took you or talked about taking you that isn't near here.. somewhere no one knows about? could he have mentioned a place like that to you?

Santana: when we were 13.. before we started dating, we were best friends, he took me to his family beach house it was safe there.. its off prophet territory, he went there after after fight we got into, after every time he got rolled up on, after every traumatizing thing he did with the prophets. I found him there everytime. he took me on dates. that was his special safe space.

cop: ok we'll go do research to find the address. thank for your contributing.. get better soon

Santana: I will once i hold my son again.

He walked away and she fell asleep. She was discharged an hour later and when I got her home she didn't wanna sleep.

Santana's POV

All i wanted was just hold my son.. the cops haven't found the address but I know exactly where its at.

Santana: pretty boy load the car.. we're going to get my son.

Pretty boy: Santana you need to rest

Santana: no what i NEED is to find my son. lets go lemme change my bandage and clothes and we can go.. are you two coming or going?

I looked at Sad Eyes and Sapo hoping they would come with

Sapo: mamacita you need to sleep.. we can go with them but you need to rest or you wont get better.. 

Santana: no ill sleep AFTER we get my son back got it?

Sad Eyes: no you need to sleep

Santana: mira tontos, no voy a escuchar a ninguno de ustedes, yo voy con ustedes, yo voy solo. de cualquir manera voy a buscar a mi hijo. so you guys coming or not?

Guerito: está bien, pero debes jurar que una vez que lo recuperemos, dormirás hasta que te sientas mejor.

Santana: yeah okay are we going or what?

We left to the house and when we got there prophets were waiting outside. 

prophet: go inside just you

Sapo: no Santana dont go by yourself.

Santana: im fine by myself stay out here ill be back.. with my son in my hands

When I walked inside I saw Latrelle sitting down with prophets sitting around him

Santana: wheres Ale?..

Latrelle: damn Santi hi to you too ma.. 

Santana: dont call me that where the fuck is my son?

Latrelle: oh he's with his daddy.. did you really think he wouldn't find out?

Santana: his daddy? he was an asshole I was right to hide MY son from him

Lano: no you werent

I turned my head to the side and see my son in the hands of his asshole father..

Santana: give me my son Gabe

Lano: bitch he's my son too why the fuck didn't you tell me about him? I had the right to know

Santana: no he's my son he doesn't have a father.. now give me my fucking son

Latrelle: bitch you better watch your mouth, we can all hurt you for talking to one of our guys like that.. we cant just hurt you.. we can end you right here right now bitch.. got it?

Lano: Latrelle.. stop.. can you guys leave us.. I need to talk with my baby mama

They left and he said he would let me hold him as long as I let him talk. I agreed, when he gave me Ale all I wanted to do was hug my baby in my hours with no one near me.. but i am a woman of my words and he knows it. 

Lano: so.. why didn't you tell me about my kid? why'd you keep him a secret from me?

Santana: because of your mom she would've said that he wasn't yours.. she hated me

Lano: she liked you more than my other girlfriends..

Santana: and is that supposed to make me feel special? it doesn't she treated me like fucking shit the whole time I was living with you, she even did it infront of you and you never fucking defended me.. I WAS YOUR GIRLFRIEND


Santana: whatever momma's boy.. I answered your question can I take my son home now?

Lano: no lemme get custody of him? he's my son I wanna see him like a normal father should

As we were talking Latrelle came into the room running saying the cops were here and they were arresting all the prophets. I hoped the Santos, 19th street and my guys got away. Cops came in pointing their guns at Latrelle and Lano.

Cop: Gabe Guillory?

Lano: yeah officer can I help one you?

One thing about Lano that I always liked about him was that he never raised his voice or ran away.. he would much rather go to prison than run away like a coward infront of his friends and me. I hated him for everything except for that.. I'll always like him for that.

Cop: you're under arrest for kidnapping and attempted murder, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. you have the right to an attorney. if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you?

Lano: yes

And they took him away in handcuffs, I held my son in my arms so tight.

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