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The next morning Sapo and I woke up to Angel moaning.. girl it is so fucking early for that shit.



Santana: ew I didn't know Cuete fucked her too, I thought he had a girl or his own whore

Sapo: yeah they all fuck her.. im surprised none of them have caught something

Santana: ew haha as long as you didn't fuck her than im cool with her i guess

Sapo: oh nah we never fucked but we did date literally only for a day

Santana: wow I dont wanna seem like a jealous girlfriend.. did you guys kiss?

Sapo: I mean on the cheek, I wasnt attracted to her. thats why i broke up with her the next day. I couldn't be with someone I wasn't attracted too.. and I walked in on her fucking someone else.

Santana: wow.. oh my god its morning I have to go. Thanks for letting me borrow your clothes by the way, can I borrow more clothes? ill bring em back tomorrow

Sapo: yeah sure.. you can keep them

Santana: awesome thanks baby

I kissed him, got up went to his closet and picked out some clothes, I did my hair

I kissed him, got up went to his closet and picked out some clothes, I did my hair

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Santana: you have a lot of Raider Gear


He said getting up to kiss me, he walked me out and we both banged on Cuete's door as we walked by, he grabbed the car keys and helped me put my bikes in the trunk, he stopped in front of my house, before getting out he kissed me, he opened the door for me and helped me take my bikes out to put them in my front yard, hes such a gentlemannn

Sapo: alright I'll see you later, love you

Santana: ok love you too

I kissed him and walked inside and I saw on my couch two random females and one of them was holding my kid..

Santana: oh hell no.. who the fuck are you? and why are you holding my son?

girl 1: your son? oh so you're the baby momma?

Santana: yes thats my son bitch, why talking to me like his dad told you who I am? his dad is in prison. so again who the fuck are you bitches and what're you doing in my house?

Aaron and Milo came walking in both with two beers in each hand, they saw me and were shocked.. they tried turning around but I had already shouted for them

girl 1: pretty boy is this your baby momma?

Santana: oh hell no.. are you using MY son as a chick magnet? what the fuck is wrong with you?

Pretty Boy: Santana im so sorry, chicks dig single fathers

He said as he shrugged his shoulders. I went up to them and slapped them both than I went up to the girls and one of them I pushed their forehead and the other I grabbed my son from her arms and slapped her, I told them they had to leave and they didn't like that

girl 2: bitch who the fuck are you to kick us out?

Santana: bitch im the leader of this bitch, the boss of your boyfriend. thats who the fuck I am

They looked at me shocked and I walked into my room with Ale in my hands. I changed his clothes and his diaper and texted CJ and Sin in our sibling groupchat

Santana: yo wanna take the kids to the park?

CJ: yeah sure they got nothing to do anyways

Sin: yeah I just picked up Lizzy we'll see you there

I picked up Ale and headed outside to my car and left, we all hung out at the park for a few hours, we all headed home with sleeping kids. I put Ale to bed and changed than I went to sleep after sending Sapo a goodnight text.

A/N: today was my first day back to school and imma try so hard to upload chapters every other day (maybe). its my senior year this year so i might be a little busy but imma try to do as much as I can. I can take requests on what could happen in the next chapter to make up for being busy. The next chapter should be up maybe friday night or saturday morning.

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