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I kissed and when we pulled away I looked behind him and saw 19th street pull up, I pushed him and he looked at me confused, I fixed myself and pointed to look back and he saw Cuete and Chico walking up to us looking really mad

Cuete: súbanse al auto ahora.. tenemos que ir a manejar el negocio.. manejamos eso y luego hablamos sobre qué diablos está pasando entre ustedes dos.. SAPO GET IN THE CAR NOW.. YOU walk to our house.. we need to talk about this.. you cant go home.. either you wait here for us to get back or you go to our house and wait for us there.. you choose but you tell us now..

Santana: you are no one that can tell me what to do.. 

Sapo: Santana.. just pick one..

Santana: hurry up imma be here..

They left and I was by myself. I waited for them for hours and than I felt a tap on my shoulder, i turned and saw Spooky, Lil Spooky, Sad Eyes and an other Santo. greeeeaaaattt

Santana: did you tell 19th street about Sapo and I?

I said while pushing Sad Eyes:

Spooky: hey chill out.. he didn't say a word to them.. but he did tell us that you guys were at the park together.. we just wanted to talk..

Santana: talk? no the truce is off and its staying like that.. thank one of you guys for breaking it..

Spooky: thats exactly why Lil Spooky and Joker are here.. they are here to apologize for breaking it.. they were the ones tagging.. 

Cesar rolled his eyes and than looked back at me as I was staring at him.. I was just as annoyed as he was.. I wanted to go home but I wanted to wait for Sapo to make sure he was okay

Joker: wheres you little travieso? he ditch you?

Santana: no someone ratted us out and they took him.. they told me to wait because they wanted to talk to both of us.. they went to handle some business

Sad Eyes: yo can I talk her for a second?

Spooky: what don't tell you were fucking her too?

Sad Eyes: nah i tried too

Spooky: isn't she like 16?

Santana: im 17 puto.. besides I heard you kissed Monse and shes younger than me

Spooky: bitch she kissed me!

Santana: excuses

Spooky: bitch i should fuck you up

He tried getting closer to me but Joker held him back

Santana: do it puto aint nobody scared of you bitch..

Sad Eyes: yo chill the fuck out! go I need to talk to her

Santana: no we dont need to talk. I have nothing to say to you go away, I need to wait for my boyfriend

Sad Eyes: no I need to talk to you. Sit down and chill the fuck out.

Santana: man fuck you I dont need this shit

I tried walking away but remembered Sapo.. so i walked back and told him to leave so I could wait for him, he stayed I was getting annoyed at this point and wanted him to leave. there was no other option so i stayed and listened to what he had to say to me.

Sad Eyes: I get that i should've told you about huerita but you weren't my girl and like you said we were just friends.. so I dont get why I should've told you about my girlfriend

Santana: you should've told me you had a girlfriend THE DAY I KISSED YOU.. instead you walked away. thats the moment you should've told me you had a girlfriend

Sad Eyes: well it was in front of your mom and I had already said you were my girl.. why would I embarrass you like that? 

Santana: yeah whatever.. is that all you wanna say?

Sad Eyes: i miss hanging out with you.. please make a truce again.. so we can hang out

Santana: no.. remember when I told you that we couldn't date because it would become a war between us? we weren't even dating and because of you the truce broke... why should we stay friends? we cant be friends.. you have to go..

Sad Eyes: no.. we cant be friends but you fuck 19th street? we aren't gonna fuck. just friends.. 

Santana: i like him.. i dont become friends with enemies anymore

Sad Eyes: alright fine..

Santana: oh and next time I see your girl imma tell her about us..

He walked away and I was by myself again. I waited even more, I saw 19th street pull up and they were all bleeding.. Sapo was holding the side of his stomach.. I ran up to them and hugged Sapo

Santana: get back in the car all of you im taking you guys to your house

They all got in and I put my bikes in the trunk and got in the driver seat and drove over to their house. I shouted towards the house and members of 19th street came out. they helped me get them out and into the house. I grabbed towels and alcohol and I cleaned them up. after I was done with them I went to each of their rooms to get some clothes.. Sapo's room was cleaner than the others room, he was kinda well organized. I grabbed his clothes and went back to them. I started with Cuete first, I took off his shirt and I saw him blushing. I laughed at him

Sapo: dont even think about it.. thats my ruca

Cuete: shut up.. gracias.. 

Santana: yeah no problem.. 

I finished dressing him and went to Chico.. he was smirking at me.. got these boys are hurt and they're still horny.. fucking weirdos. Sapo looked at him and got annoyed

Sapo: tu tambien no lo pienses ella es mi ruca

Chico looked at and started stroking my hair in front of him.. I hit his hand and finished dressing him than i went to Sapo.. I sat next to him and before I started taking off his clothes he asked to go to his room so we could be alone. I picked him up and helped him to his room, i put him on his bed and took his clothes off, he was covered in so much blood

Sapo: damn girl you aint got to rush taking my clothes off, i aint going nowhere.. 

Santana: jesus Ezequiel que hicieron ustedes?

Sapo: we jumped someone and his homies cam out nowhere and got us

Santana: ay pendejo.. you gotta be watch your back..

Sapo: look at you caring for me.. 

Santana: of course siempre va a ser mi vato recuerdas?

Sapo: y tu eres mi ruca para siempre..

We kissed and I finished changing him, he stayed laying down. I went out to let him sleep and I helped Cuete and Chico to their rooms, than I cleaned and I decided to cook for them.. I called pretty boy and told him I wasn't coming home until tomorrow morning and to take care of Ale and he said okay. I heard Cuete calling me so I went to his room and he said he wanted to talk about Sapo and I

Cuete: en primer lugar, gracias por ayudarnos y ahora sobre ti y Sapo, después de lo que hiciste hoy, estoy de acuerdo con eso, pero toma las cosas con calma, no te apresures... Sapo es mi homie y te mataré si yo tambien lo he hecho

Santana: la verdad Cuete, lo amo.. no lo quiero dejar, le veo un futuro con el, lo veo criando a Ale y mas hijos conmigo. lo quiero a el y solo a el..

Cuete: tu y yo nos convertimos en grandes amigos

He shook my hand gave me a hug, he fell back asleep and I went back to the kitchen to finish cooking.

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