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The next morning I woke up and Ale was gone. I heard talking in my backyard and before I could walk out Sapo stopped me. He told me not to go out there, he had Ale in one hand and breakfast in the other. I smiled and kissed him as I grabbed Ale. We ate and got ready for today.

When I went outside I saw the decorations and they were beautiful

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When I went outside I saw the decorations and they were beautiful. It was really nice, I thanked them and we partied. The Santos except for Sad Eyes came and I told Sapo that they weren't gonna start anything so he can't start anything either and he agreed.

Spooky: Sad Eyes is coming later

Santana: ok? I didn't ask

I walked away and continued the party than Ruby and Mario walked in and I hugged them and introduced Ale to Mario. When the rest of 19th street came Sapo told them not to start anything with my gang or the Santos and they agreed. We had fun and everyone but Sapo and I got fucked up drunk I was staying sober just in case I did something stupid besides one of us needs to stay sober for Ale, I don't know why Sapo was sober. Sad Eyes walked in with and when Sapo and I both saw him Sapo got up and hugged me from behind and kissed my cheek. I laughed

Santana: you're such an asshole Ezequiel

Sapo: eres mi ruca sois mi vida, a ti ya Ale, os quiero a los dos, y él no me va a quitar ninguno de vosotros. te amo. I love you Santana Moreno

Santana: I love you to Ezekiel Pacheco

I kissed him and we walked to my room and did it. We fell asleep and when we woke up it was the next morning. Ale wasn't in his bed and everyone was asleep. I couldn't find him anywhere, than I found a note from Mario.

Hey cousin, Ruby and I went home and we took Ale with us. Ruby is fucked up drunk, no one was watching Ale and I went to your room but I heard traumatizing things so I took him with us you can pick him up whenever. Sorry if i scared you

I was so relieved. Sapo took me to my tia's house, when we walked in my tia was feeding Ale breakfast she saw me and said goodmorning to me. We walked over and both kissed Ale, I introduced Sapo to them, Mario was to traumatized to look at us. We both laughed at him when he almost threw up.

Mario: I used to babysit you... that was so traumatizing

Santana: how do you think Ale got here? I did it so you could have a nephew

Mario: ok ew don't say that

We laughed and they invited us to stay for breakfast and dinner, we said yes but Sapo had to leave in a little bit but he would be back. We had breakfast with them and than Sapo left and I started talking to my tia, she was always a mother figure to me instead of my actual mother. She had found out I was pregnant but she never got to see me while Ale was in my stomach or after he was born, this is the first time i've seen her since i've been kicked out. I went with her and the twins to the grocery store to get stuff for dinner and she brought up Sapo.

Tia: so that boy from this morning.. tu novio?

Santana: si tia el es mi novio por que?

Tia: están a salvo?

Santana: oh my god tia! of course we are!

Tia: ok mija im just making sure.. I love Ale but 2 kids at 18? big no no

Santana: si tia lo se

We laughed and continued shopping. When we finished we paid and left back to her house, I helped her cook and realized we made too much so I asked if she I could invite my gang and she said yes. I called them and they arrived with empty stomachs. An hour after they arrived Sapo came back and ate dinner with us.

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