#7 The "Wife-Hunting" Mission!

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All texts in Italian font are the ones that had taken place from the past ^^


One and a half week later, except for the unusual atmosphere between Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe these days, there's not much any critical event happening in the sect other than most of the disciples of CangQiong―who were appointed by their Masters to participate in the Immortal Alliance Conference― were putting even more efforts than they normally do in their trainings and visiting the practice grounds which had been already a daily basis for them.

Luo Binghe lose the cheerfulness and positive air he had around him everyday, and these days, whenever the disciples of QingJing Peak accidentally bumped into him, he would be seen wearing a dark and ugly expression on his exquisite face, as though the whole world had owed him everything; causing the disciples to flinch in fright that Ming Fan couldn't even dare ridicule him nowadays.

Everyone in the peak were now used to seeing the smiling Luo Binghe everyday, especially whenever he follows around their Shizun, that seeing the rarely seen frowning Luo-shidi made them even more interested to know just who's this brazen person that dared to offend their Luo-shidi to the extent that his grudge seemed to only increase day by day.

In the end, it was just a mere curiosity for these meek disciples, and no one tried to inquire about the cause of their Luo-shidi's dark frown. After all, even if at the sight of their Shizun, Luo Binghe's frown seemed to turn even more gloomy whenever he sees him. Just how could their Luo-shidi show that kind of ugly expression to their esteemed Shizun? But their Shizun doesn't even look the least mad at him nor he showed any signs of wanting to beat him up whenever he was met with their Luo-shidi's gloomy frown, which supposedly been disrespectful for their esteemed Shizun.

In this case, does this have anything to do with their Shizun? Perhaps, had they fought and Shizun was kind of at fault?

Ah! Wait! That seemed sort of outrageous....

As a result, once again, the disciples could only spectate the events that were happening in their QingJing Peak, fearfully and timidly.

On the other hand, Shen Qingqiu, amidst all his bustling around due to the two big events that were about to approach, and he also had to ponder about his next move, after he had refused to reply with the protagonist's love confession the other day, he had not any time to manage his own peak at all as he had to take his chosen disciples out everyday to the CangQiong Sect's practice grounds to watch out and guide their cultivation progressions.

Shen Qingqiu was not only instructing them for the upcoming conference, but he also had to make sure that all of his chosen disciples will be able to tame the best out of all the bestest of the contract swords so as not to lose face, especially for the Protagonist who's currently needing guidance the most, because he definitely wouldn't allow him to fail taming the Zheng Yang sword (even if that sword almost didn't had any use on the protagonist), just for the sake of following the holy plot.

Because by following the plot would Shen Qingqiu only find out what's his next step would be. Even if he's already aware that he's the one who had sort of caused a large disturbance in the plot by accidentally having the protagonist fall in love with him, Shen Qingqiu wouldn't lose hope.

A bent steel could still be straightened up again after he uses a hot iron to push the steel back up!

"You'll definitely regret this one day, bro"

"I don't know what kind of other regrets would I have in the future― as you were saying, but I already have so many regrets to begin with"

"But Cucumber-bro, in this case, you should be already considered as Bingge's first love-"

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