Flashback #3: Shizun's Mind in Uproar pt.1

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"Answering to Shen-shishu, Shizun has been gone from the Peak for two weeks already. But this disciple can reassure Shen-shishu that Shizun will probably come back soon and this one will promise that he'll let Shizun know that Shen-shishu had visited him before.." Fucking Author!

"I see. Then this Master shall leave it to you"


After that disciple saluted him, Shen QingQiu gracefully rode Xiu Ya and flew off from AnDing Peak with a resentful feeling. Then after a few minutes, when he was sure that he had flown far away from the vicinity of the AnDing Peak, his expressionless face gradually began to scrunch up in a scowl.

Just when he needed someone to let out all of his restrained rant, why does that fucker have to be away at this time?!

Fucking Useless Comrade!

He knows nothing but to fucking fool around with his Ice Demon boyfriend! (Shang QingHua: Why am I being wronged here???)

Didn't he promised him before that they'll surely overcome each other's difficulties together as a fellow transmigrator?! And now that he needed a help, he's out! For a whole two weeks! Even daring to leave his disciples to do all the hard jobs while he as their Shizun only fooled around outside! Who knows when he'll be back?!

Whether Shang QingHua's out for 'the sake' of the plot's completion or not, with Shen QingQiu's roaring heart right after he just faced an ultimate problem with the Protagonist, how could he still had the heart to be understanding?!

With his mind overflowing curses, just when he saw the greenish image of his QingJing Peak, he immediately fixed his scrunched face into an impassive one, befitting the cold QingJing Peak Lord and leisurely landed on the ground as his nearby disciples greeting him.

It's been two days since the last incident with the protagonist.

Ever since that day, every time Shen QingQiu walked around the Peak and stumbled into his disciple, the latter will immediately turn white before running away from him, leaving his distressed Shizun tongue-tied.

There are even some times when he forgot to greet his Master....

Then during meal times, he never met his favored disciple personally bringing him food again. In fact, he would only witnessed the homemade meals placed in front of his door in Shen QingQiu's astonishment.

Fortunately, at least even if his disciple avoided him everyday, he hadn't forgotten taking care his Master and is still resolutely following his Master's eating schedule. In every meal times, the other would knock letting his Master know that his meal is here, then as soon as Shen QingQiu opened his door, what he could only see was his breakfast placed on the ground and no one else. Although this morning, when Shen QingQiu planned to catch his disciple by hurrying up to the door as soon the other knocked from the other side, the moment he opened door, what only met him was a wall without any trace of the young teenager who he wanted to capture.

This made Shen QingQiu's heart ached.

Until now, he still can't fathom why Luo BingHe had done that to him...

And he also didn't know why does he keep wasting his energy thinking about it when he could just toss it at the back of his mind and simply brush it off and pretend as if nothing happened at all.

But no.

He must not! And there's no way he could just pretend that his disciple never kissed him back then!

Bringing him food every time is something he won't mind. Hugging him either at his arms or waist and cuddling with him is also something he'll let him do; Voluntarily combing his hair, fixing his robes and allowing him to wear the jade crowns that his disciple gifted him is something he won't also mind...

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