"cigarette daydream,"

Start from the beginning

"Leave it." She ordered as he followed her through the narrow stocked shelves. "Who is that prick?" He asked as he clenched his jaw tightly.

"Christopher Moulton. He is destined to be a bin man and die alone." Estella explained as she carried the plastic jug of milk to the cashier.
Estella patted down her pockets only to find she had forgotten her money.

"Ive got it." James announced as he leaned onto the counter top, his body turned to her. "These too." He added as he picked up a small bag of peppermints off the shelf in front of him.

"Thanks." Estella quietly said as the cashier took the money and the pair opened the door, the bell above letting out its loud melody.

Unfortunately for them, Christopher Moulton was still there leaning against a bike rack. "Oi! Do you speak freak?" He called out, his snot filled nose twitching. James ignored him. "Probably embarrassed 'cause hes shagging that rat!"

James felt his fist tighten so hard that his fingernails bit into his palm before pulling back and launching his fist forward. "Oi! You dickhead!" The greasy haired snotty boy shouted as he punches James back, his fist landing on his left cheek.

Estella glanced down at the heavy milk bottle in her hands and decided to smack Christopher in the head with it. "You slag!"

The few lads with him jumped off their bikes, and from one of their hands was a silver gleam in the moonlight. Christopher attempted to swing at Estella, whose face was scrunched up, but James had already pinned him against the brick wall.

As much as he attempted to kick and punch out of his grip, he gave up and began to cry out. Christopher's eyes were already swollen and his lip was bleeding and bruised. "Think its past your bedtime." James deeply hissed as he threw him to the ground.

"What are you doing idiots? Get them!" The boy ordered, causing the other lads to begin to chase the pair.

It seemed that James' extensive training for the Quidditch team had payed off because the pair were easily able to outrun the half a dozen of boys chasing them.

But as the cool summer breeze blew her chestnut hairs out of her ruddy cheeks, a small rock in the road made her trip over.

"Oi! Get here!" The once distant shouts got louder as she stumbled to get back up with James' help. But the glimpse of sharp silver in his hand caused him to panic and transform into a stag in hopes that they didn't notice it.

"Where'd that cunt go?" A raspy voice asked before noticing the stag standing in the fields in front of them. "Fuck off you prick!" He shouted at the creature who got up on its hind legs, so that it towered over the boys, making them run off in fear.

"Estella! Shit. Estella!" James called out into the summer night as he shrunk back down to himself again. Suddenly, a British shorthair cat with piercing orange eyes jumped onto the crumbling wall which lined the roads.

"E-Estella?" And to his amazement, the cat meowed before jumping off the wall and landing on the ground as Estella.

"I did it! I actually did it!" She screamed out, a wide grin on her face. "Yes! I knew you could!" James laughed as he wrapped his arms around her waist and spun her around, the king grass tickling her legs.

But as he put her back down, an awkward silence filled the mere inches between them. "Come on, let me show you something." Estella finally sighed before she took his hand into hers and led him through the farmers fields and pushed through tree branches and bushes that scratched their ankles.

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