"you can drive all night,"

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It was Halloween night and all the students in Hogwarts were sat at their house tables for the Halloween feast

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It was Halloween night and all the students in Hogwarts were sat at their house tables for the Halloween feast.

Every Halloween, the Great Hall was extravagantly decorated with jack'o lanterns floating through the hall and bats flying around the dark mist which concealed the ceiling. And the Halloween feast was something all students across the school looked forward to every year.

Throughout the table were ebony cauldrons of sweets, sweet and freshly baked pumpkin pie with toffee apples.

Estella rested her arms on the table and she threw a fudge fly into her mouth when Marlene nudged her arm. "I think James is up to something." The two girls looked over to see James smirking to himself. "Oh don't worry, so am I." She smirked back.

Marlene's eyebrows raised in interest. But she did not need to wonder any longer as suddenly all the Slytherins began to cough loudly. "It's pepper!" A students shouted. "It all tastes like pepper!"

Estella glanced over at Kiran and winked at her. The slytherin was not coughing like all the other students in her house and instead they were smirking back at Estella.

From the corner of her eye, she noticed James glaring at her so she turned to face him. "Your turn Potter." Estella smirked.


That night, Sirius had a planned a Halloween party in the Gryffindor common room. Although she would of rather stayed in her dorm, Marlene forced her to be there and also there was no way she could avoid it.

Estella stood in front of her mirror inspecting the short black dress which she paired with a leather blazer. As she went to put in a pair of silver earrings, she could hear the loud music playing from a record player which Sirius had charmed to be even louder.

She laughed to herself when she heard Remus shout to turn it down before turning the door handle of her dorm and stepping out. The common room was already filled with students and the stench of alcohol and a smoke lingered around the room.

Estella ran her hand through her chestnut hair as she walked over to the table filled with drinks. As she scanned the different beers, someone walked up beside her. "What are you meant to be then?" She turned to see James Potter in a vampire costume, which was basically just Sirius' clothes.

""Isn't it obvious? I'm a sexy witch." She replied with an arrogant smirk which only made him scoff. "Oh, thought you were going for the monster in the Great Lake." James hissed back which made her roll her eyes.

"Very kind words Potter." Estella sarcastically said before their attention was caught by Sirius who had jumped onto a table and was beginning to twerk violently.

"Pads, get down from there!" James ordered as he walked over wards to boy and tried to pull him off the table. Estella snickered when she noticed Lily and Fatima sat on the crimson couches.

"Didn't think parties were your thing." She said to the two students. "They're not. I've been dragged her." Fatima sighed as she glanced over at Lily. "Oh don't be boring Fatima!" The red head said.

"Says the one who will stay sitting here all night." Estella scoffed which made Lily scowl. Marlene was sat on the armchair beside them, her legs up on the arm and her head resting on the other one. "Drinks?" The blonde girl asked them.

"Yeah, a shot please." Estella replied but the two other girls shook their head. "You already have a drink!" Fatima exclaimed as she pointed at the beer bottle in her hand. "And?" Estella shrugged.

Fatima rolled her eyes at the girl as Marlene hurried off to get her a shot.


Later on in the night, Marlene had dragged Estella up to dance with her. The two girls loudly and drunkly sang along to ABBA until she felt a tug on her arm.

"Who is it?" Estella asked, her head moving around like her neck couldn't support it. "It's Remus." He replied with confused eyebrows. "How drunk are you?" Remus asked.

"I'm not drunk, I'm Estella." She replied, followed by drunken laughter. Remus ignored her and continued to drag her out of the common room and down the hallways. "You're coming with me for a cig break." He told her.

"Why?" Questioned the girl. "Because it is way too hot in there and Sirius is pissing me off." He hissed back. "Why'd you kiss again?" Estella asked, her dazed eyes glancing around the hallway.

Remus froze still which made her walk into him. "How do you-" Estella cut him off. "Sirius told me. Don't get your knickers in a twist about it! It was already obvious and I love you all the same!" Estella shouted before pushing herself up to kiss her brother's cheek.

Remus let out a huff before they continued through the castle and outside to the courtyard. The sudden sound of laughter came from behind them and out came Peter, Sirius and James.

"There you are Moony!" Sirius shouted drunkly, his face red and his eyes floating around. He hurried to sit beside him and Peter soon followed. "Ew." She heard James mutter as he sat down beside her.

"Get a grip." She hissed back. "Sirius get off!" Peter exclaimed as Sirius leaned on his shoulder. He pushed the drunk boy into Remus and he seemed happy to stay leaning on him. "Bet you can't get me!" Sirius suddenly shouted as he jumped off and began running away.

"Challenge accepted!" James shouted, not one to turn a challenge down. The messy haired boy ran after him and he was catching up. However, Estella's eyes widened when she watched James morph into a stag and push the boy over with its antlers.

"That's no fair!" The drunk boy shouted as James morphed back into himself again. "How did you do that?" Estella asked with a face of shock. "He's an animagus! We all are!" Sirius shouted with a proud grin.

"You really are dedicated to pranks to learnt that." She laughed as she pushed her chestnut hair behind her ear. "We didn't do it for a pranks. We did it for Moony." The dark haired boy replied.

Estella glanced over at her brother with confusion. "So we can be with him on full moons. He won't attack when we're an animagus." James explained to her.

"And when did you learn that?" Estella asked with raised eyebrows. "In the animagus textbook in our 3rd year. We've been learning ever since." Estella could feel her face getting red but it wasn't from beings drunk or too hot.

"And did you not think that I would wanted to? Did you not think that I would want to be with him for full moons?" She asked, jumping up and beginning to shout. "Not really." James shrugged.

"Course you didn't 'cause you think about no one else!" She shouted. She didn't know wether it was because she was exhausted or drunk but she couldn't hide her emotions like usual.

"Why are you so bothered about it?" James asked as he walked closer to her with his hands in his pocket. "You're a fucking idiot Potter." She hissed as she felt a hot tear fall from her eye and down her cheek.

Estella bit her bottom lip in anger before storming off back inside, leaving the boys in silence. "What's her problem?" James asked which made Remus sigh. "James," He said in a stern tone. "Just stop."

"I need a fucking cig." Remus then muttered as be took a cigarette from his pocket and lit it.

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