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James woke up the next morning to the bright sun which shone through a gap in the curtains

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James woke up the next morning to the bright sun which shone through a gap in the curtains. After rubbing the sleep away from his eyes, he jumped when he saw Sirius standing at his bedside.

"What the fuck Pads!" He exclaimed as he sat up. "Tell us everything." Sirius ordered. "About what?" James asked, his voice deep and raspy as he had just woken up.

"Your date with little Lupin." The dark haired boy sat down at the end of his bed. "It wasn't a date." Remus stated as he opened the door to his wardrobe open. "Of course not." Sirius said before turning to James and winking.

"He's right. It wasn't a date." Sirius scoffed at him. "Whatever you say Prongs. So, did you kiss her?" He asked with an eyebrow raised. "What? No!"

"Better not of done." Remus said as he pulled a jumper over his head and pulled it down. "What's so wrong if I did kiss your sister?" James asked with a curious face.

"Because," He paused and closed his wardrobe door. "If you did, I'd be locked up in azkaban." Remus continued which made James gulp and widen his eyes.


Estella sat down in the Great Hall for breakfast that morning. "So, how was the date?" Marlene asked her with a smirk. "It wasn't a date!" She exclaimed back which made Dorcas snicker.

"Stop treating it like it was. I would never date that arrogant prick." She added which made her roll her eyes. "Did you kiss?" Dorcas asked her, smirking because she knew it would annoy her.

"Even better, did you fuc-" Mary was cut off by James approaching them. "Morning Evans," He greeted with a wink, making Lily roll her eyes. "Get a grip." She replied which made Estella snicker. James glared at her before walking away.

There was the Potter she knew and hated.


Estella sat slumped at her desk located at the back of her History of Magic classroom. She felt like she about to fall asleep to the Professor's montone voice.

"Lupin. Lupin." She heard her name hissed. Estella turned around to see Kiran sitting a desk behind her. "Guessing your date with spotter went horrible." Kiran smirked.

"You'd be right. Just a warning, his breath stinks so don't go within a 2 mile radius of him." She replied which made them snicker. "Have you talked to Regulus Black at all?" The Slytherin suddenly asked.

"You really are into him, aren't you?" Estella asked with a smirk and an eyebrow raised. "Oh shut up." Kiran hissed as they rolled their eyes. "Aw, Kiran Mae us a crush." She teased.

Fatima, who was sat near them, overheard them and decides to join in. "Didn't know you were capable of human emotions." The Ravenclaw smirked. "Crush on who?" She then asked.

"No one." Kiran quickly replied. "Regulus Black." Estella said which made her eyes widen and Kiran huff. "How long?" Fatima then asked, pushing her curly dark hair behind her shoulder.

"That's what she said." Estella whispered which made her burst out laughter at herself. The whole class paused and turned to look at her. "What are you doing Miss Lupin?" Professor Binns asked her.

Fatima smirked as she leaned closer to her to whisper, "Your mum." This made Estella let out a laugh again. "Detention Miss Lupin for not paying attention." The ghostly Professor announced before continuing to teach.

Estella then made eye contact with James who shook his head in disappointment with a smirk on his face. She rolled her eyes before snicker slightly before he turned back to the front.

"Since 3rd year." Kiran answered her question. "Blimey. And have you ever talked to him?" The Ravenclaw asked them. Kiran shook her head. A sudden smirk and brightness shone in Fatima's dark eyes.

"I think I have a plan."


It was later into the day and the sun was turning a shade of pink as the sun retreated behind the mountains.

Estella walked down the hallways of the castle with Slytherin robes in her hand which made Kiran's name written in it. "Finally," She whispered when she noticed Regulus walking alone down a corridor.

"Regulus," She called out which made him pause and turn around. "You know Kiran Mae, right?" She then asked. "I've heard of her." He shrugged which made a strand of his ebony hair fall out of place and into his face.

"Great. Could you give these back to her. I found them." The Gryffindor held out the robes which he slowly took. "Oh, um I guess."

"Thanks." Estella replied before saying her goodbyes and heading towards her detention which was polishing the trophies.

When she walked in, James was already there with a cloth in his hand. "You both know how these work by now. No talking and certainly no magic." McGonagall announced to the students before leaving the room.

Estella picked up and cloth and a trophy from the shelf. James cleared his throat to speak but she cut him off. "Don't talk Potter." His eyebrow raised. "And why's that?" He asked.

"Just because." She shrugged before silence fell between them. "You know, deep down I'm sure you don't hate me as much as you say. I'm willing to bet on it." He smirked as he leaned on the wall beside him.

"Then you would be losing your money." She shrugged as she glanced at him from the side of her eye. "The cut is starting to heal." He then announced, glancing at the scab on his face in the shiny trophy.

"Wow, jealous." She sarcastically muttered which made him look over and stare at the scar which stretched across her eye. "How did you get that? It hasn't faded at all."

"Really? I thought it was invisible." The sarcasm in her voice made him roll his eyes. "I fell off my bike." She lied. "Bullshit." James replied. "Falling off your bike doesn't leave a scar like that."

"Fucking leave it Potter!" She suddenly exclaimed which made a silence fall between them. Estella let out a sigh as she looked down at the floor.

"Sorry," She quietly apologised. "What was that? Did you just apologise?" James asked with wide eyes of shock. Estella rolled her eyes as she put the polished trophy back in it place.

"Admit it, you enjoyed last night."  James smirked. "Yes, watching you fall over a bar was incredibly funny." Estella replied, chuckling slightly at the thought of it.

"Well you should of seen your dancing." James paused. "Horrendous."  She scoffed and rolled her eyes however a small smile started to form on her face. "See! You're smiling! You don't hate me as much as you say!" He exclaimed.

"Trust me Potter. That isn't true."

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