Chapter 3 - The Rules of the Game

Start from the beginning

'All?' he asked, frowning. Who's all?

'Harry, Ron...everyone...' she finished.

Draco's eyes widened when he heard those names, as the memories of what had happened before he lost consciousness came back to his mind. He blanched. Yes...Potter had saved his life. And now Draco had even more to thank him for, not just for that bloody Patronus. Damn!

'How long have I been sick?' he said.

'You've had a high fever for four days. Hermione studied a little Muggle medicine, and said that you had pneumonia. She made a potion in order to cure you, and you've got better. You've been in and out of consciousness for ten days.' She wrinkled her forehead at Draco's irritated grunt. She approached, however, and sat on a chair in front of him.

'You're Ginny Weasley, right?'

She nodded.

Very well...not only did he owe his life to Potter twice, but now he also had to thank the Mudblood? He was ecstatic about the situation. 'Now, all that's left is that Weasel has miraculously raised me from the dead overnight, and then I swear I'll commit suicide,' he said.

'If you mean Ron,' said a voice to his right, 'he went everywhere to get ingredients for Hermione's potion, and almost got attacked by a Death Eater. He didn't do it for you though, but because Hermione asked him to. Don't worry, your life's not in danger,' said a voice from behind him. Draco turned and recognized Harry; he sank against the sofa.

'I was going to call you, Harry,' said Ginny, rising hastily.

'How long has he been awake, love?' Harry asked, emphasising the word love in a way that Ginny didn't like, thought Draco, because she looked a little annoyed.

'Only a few minutes; he finally seems to be better.'

'Good...give him something to wear and show him the way to the library. I'll get back there.' Harry approached Ginny and hugged her from behind, giving her a light kiss on the neck. She seemed to appreciate the gesture. Or at least, she didn't withdraw, but smiled pleasantly, ruffling his hair with an affectionate gesture.

I must've been mistaken, Draco thought, shaking his head. Ginny waited until Harry left, then walked over to a settlement beside the sofa and took from it a robe, a cloak and some underwear. She gave them to Draco and walked away, entering another room.

Wow! A wizard's long has it been since I wore one? He dressed, suddenly happy, and sighed from the appealing feeling of the woven fabric on his skin—he never was able to tolerate the Muggle clothing that he was forced to wear in order to hide. Sure, the colour maroon wasn't exactly his favourite...and he guessed to whom that robe belonged. It was a little too long for him, but not distasteful.

When he had dressed, he decided to see what Ginny was doing. He discovered that the room where she had gone was the kitchen. It was bigger than the one in which he had been confined and was equipped with every type of gadget, reflected Draco.

In a corner, Draco noticed a funny clock that had the faces of Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione and a man he didn't recognise on its hands. All the hands pointed to the library, except the one of Ginny, which said kitchen, and the one of Ron, which Draco couldn't read where it pointed. Ginny had just opened the stove, checking something that smelled like a roast. At the unexpected smell of food, his stomach reminded him of just how many days it had been since he'd last eaten.

Draco blushed to the root of his hair.

'I didn't think your face could ever get to that colour, Malfoy....' said Ginny with a smile. Draco felt even more blood rushing to his face, but he resumed his usual demeanour almost immediately. 'However, I understand that after all those days without eating, you can't resist the smell of food. Go and seat yourself at the table. I'll bring you some tea with biscuits,' she ordered.

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