Chapter 10

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Joey left to his dorm....
Joey, gu rara , Robin became friends after there meal at night.... Every day they all meet and discuss some chit chat's....
When gu rara struggle for any subject Joey will always help gu rara in academics tooo. One fine day they have a military camp where seniors will teach how to survive in forest type area. Military camp is a part of activity to gain a points which will add to their grades.... All department (major) students are participating in the military camp.... Joey as a senior, he collected everyone's phone and he gave a walkie talkie to everyone where if any student finds any problem he or she can talk in that given equipment. Everyone discharged.... Joey came to gu rara and said if your lost, call me... He gave gu rara's phone to her. She said phone is prohibited right why are you giving this to me..... He replied,, I don't want you to loose a way and I can't see you crying.... She took and she went away with a smile.... Heheee...
While Rose noticed that Joey giving phone to gu rara and thinks that it's my chance to break someone's heart....
Rose went to the staff who is handling military camp.. And she said someone is using phone in a military camp sir. He asked who is that!?... She said, gu rara I saw her using phone while I went that way.... Sir came to gu rara and asked her that, if she has phone Or not... She didn't deny it and she said yes sir I have a phone.. Sir said military camp doesn't allow phone don't you know that!?... And someone came...  Robin came and said to staff that, I am the one who gave phone to her because I am afraid that she will not find a correct way... Sir said you two people have crossed the military camp rules you two loose credit points and I will never allow you people to join any military camp.... Gu rara apologized to the staff and she said this matter has nothing to do with Robin, you can cut off my points but not Robin's. Staff left and announced that gu rara from medical department and Robin from art department are cheated by bringing a phone to the military camp so they no longer belong to  any military camp's.
Joey heard this and he came to gu rara and said are you okay!?... You have said my name while staff is asking....
Gu rara replied, I know who said to staff that I bought a phone to military camp... It's you joeyy... Why did you do that to mee...
Preview: when staff announced the news rose came to gu rara and said do you really think Joey is your friend, he is just acting like your friend because he want a revenge for your slap.... Joey said to staff that your having a phone so only they asked you... Gu rara stucked for a second.....
..... To be continued......

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2022 ⏰

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