Santana: actually Oscar.. I'm dating your right hand man 

I saw he rolled his eyes and I looked at Sad Eyes and he was smiling at me and blew me a kiss so I blew one back at him and started laughing as Spooky looked back at him and Sad Eyes got serious. 

Santana: we need to talk about something

Spooky: what?

Santana: I wanted to talk about new territory I think it's only fair. Los Muertos 5 year anniversary is coming up we aren't exactly a new gang anymore and we have just as many enemies as the rest of you guys and I think we should have more territory. I'm going to talk to Cuete tomorrow about some of his territory and the prophets the day after for theirs considering you guys like me the least I figured I'd start with you guys

Spooky: no you guys stick with the territories you guys have now and thats it you guys dont need more of them. 

Santana: you know I could go straight to Cuchillos instead but you see I thought i'd go to you first to save you the trip but you see I like you more than her

Spooky: no because i'd still have to go to her anyway so this sounds to me like you're scared of her

Santana: right cause im not scared of crossing her. just talk to her about it?

Spooky: fine I'll talk to her about it tomorrow

He got up to leave but Sad Eyes stopped him.

Sad Eyes: Spooky would it be okay if Santana stayed at the party to hang out with me.. she starts any arguments I'll make sure she ends them and I'll take her home.. she'll be my responsibilty

Spooky: fine but I need you guys to get some more beer and hard core liquior 

We agreed and we walked to the store since it wasn't that far from the house. We held hands on our way over and when we got in he walked to the beer section and I got a few big bags of chips for the party. He paid for the beer and I paid for the chips. When we got back I saw Ruby was sitting on the couch looking so bored. I went up to him and he was shocked to see me here

Ruby: prima hey what are you doing at a Santos party?

Santana: hey I was here for some business with Spooky and they let me stay so I'm just chilling with Sad Eyes we just came back from the store. 

He took the bags out of my hands to help me and we walked to one of the tables with all the liquior and chips and shit on it together. I saw how he looked at the table and I just know his OCD came out. He called over a few Santos and told them what to do and he shamed them for the store bought Guacamole and I just started laughing. I walked away back to Sad Eyes so Ruby can do his thing and I found Sad Eyes putting the last box of beers inside the cooler. When he got up he closed the cooler and then he put his arm around me and we walked to a few chairs to sit down. We talked for a little bit and than he reminded me about the gift and we walked to his car.

Sad Eyes: ok so I really hope you love it because I'm not taking it back.

He gave me a box and I felt like I knew what it was. I opened it and I was fucking right. 

Santana: now i have 2 customed pistols both with my name on them

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Santana: now i have 2 customed pistols both with my name on them. I love it, it's very beautiful thank you. 

I kissed him and than I told him what Gabe and Sapo got for my kids and me and he was shocked. We just talked and talked for hours in his car.

Sad Eyes: hey Santana can I ask you something?

Santana: yeah whats up

Sad Eyes: so this happened a long time ago but do you remember when you went to the store and you saw walk in and we just had long eye contact and than a guy started video chatting and he disrespected you that you had him jumped out your gang?

Santana: oh yeah tweety? what about it?

Sad Eyes: what was he to you? and what did you tell his family?

Santana: oh he didn't have family.. a lot of us were abandoned or kicked out for joinging the gang. I was there when he told his family and his mom told him "if you die we won't waste a single tear for you because you are no longer our son" it broke my heart to hear them say that to their own kid. I had just given birth to Ale so to hear a mother say that to her own son broke me.

Sad Eyes: wow that's fucked up.. what about your family how did they react to you creating a gang? 

Santana: well my dad is a prophet so for his daughter decide to create her own gang and not join be in the prophets legacy anymore was a big thing for him and I was daddy's girl so I think that hurt him more and he wanted to be supportive and help me with it and become my first allience but my mom was a real bitch and she kicked me out. I moved in with Gabe and his family.

Sad Eyes: right how did Gabe react to it?

Santana: well at first he hated it but he became supportive and he asked me if he could would he be allowed to join Los Muertos. I was confused but realized that I never told anyone that my gang was going to be Bi-racial. He hated that idea but after I told him why he thought it was actually a really good idea.

Sad Eyes: yeah.. hey wanna go back? I kinda want a beer

Santana: yeah sure lets go

We got back and we got drinks and we saw that Ruby was fucked up drunk. Mario got socked by his ex girlfriend because he has a pregnant girlfriend while he was trying to get back at her. Than Ruby started rapping and than he ended the truce between the Santos and the Prophets.. fuck.

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