Chapter 12

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Darcy's POV

"I got a letter," Danielle chokes through tears, "from grandad. He told me that I can't come home since dad is doing anything for You-Know-Who."

She begins crying again but continues.

"Grandad thinks he's been under the imperious curse," she cries, "No one really knows why he did such a thing. Darcy, I don't know what to do."

Silently, I hug her tightly, just like a best friend I talked to all the time. She continues crying into my chest.

I have to tell George, I think.

I let go of Danielle and a wave of anger, guilt, and sadness overcomes me. I have nothing to say to her, and there is nothing I can do to comfort her.

I run down the corridor and straight to the dungeons, leaving Danielle crying in front of the giant painting of a fruit bowl.

When I reach the dungeons, George is standing in the doorway, about to walk into the potions classroom. The bell ringing above, I grab George by his sleeve and pull him out of the doorway.

I immediately begin to cry. George's smile fades and he pulls me down the corridor and around the corner. Saying nothing, he pulls me into a tight hug.

We hug in silence, except for my weeping, for what felt like forever.

"Darc," George says, quietly, once my crying settles, "Tell me what happened."

I tell him everything, trying so hard not to cry. He listens silently, leaning against the cold stone wall, hands in his pockets.

When I finish, I feel tears go down my face, but I make no noise. George hugs me tighter than ever before and when he lets go, I see tears running down his face, too.

"Let's just skip class," George adds, "And go to the common room."

I manage to nod and grab his hand. His hand in mine comforts me and makes me forget for a split second what Danielle had told me.

We walk down the cold corridors of the dungeon and make our way up to the common room.

"Password," the Fat Lady asks us when we reach the top of the staircase.

"Shoot," George grunts, "Ron told me they changed the password, but he didn't tell me what they changed it to."

He sits down outside the common room, under a painting of a mother and a baby. I sit down next to him and lay my head on his shoulder.

His cheeks go red and I smile, knowing I gave him butterflies.

"So," I say, finally saying something after a very long time, my smile fading, "What do I do?"

"I dunno," George shrugs, "But do we really wanna talk about it right now?"

He's right. I shake my head but I feel tears start to go down my face again. I sit up, taking my head off of George's shoulder and lean my head on the wall behind me.

"Oh, Darc," George sighs, wiping my tears off my face, "It'll be okay. We'll figure it out."

I hear footsteps coming up the moving staircase. When they reach the landing, George turns around. Fred steps onto the landing and doesn't go any farther, a confused look on his face.

"What the heck are you guys doing out here?" he laughs, but his smile fades when George moves his head out of the way and Fred can see the tears on my face.

"I forgot the password," George mumbles.

"Balderdash," Fred tells the Fat Lady.

She swings open and George stands up. He puts his hand out in front of me and he pulls me up onto my feet, Fred waiting for us to go inside first.

Just You and Me // George Weasley (ABANDONED)Where stories live. Discover now