Chapter 1

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Darcy's POV

I had always lived in a horrible household. My family never loved me for who I was, especially when they found out I was a Gryffindor. They say they will kick me out but they might be joking, though I doubt it since they never make jokes. Plus, I practically already moved out. They have always favourited my younger sister, Danielle, a Slytherin 5th year.

I have basically been raised by Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. I have stayed at their house every summer since the summer of 1st year, the year I met my best friends, Fred and George. Their home was my home. I practically grew up in their house. I went there every holiday and every summer since I had gone to Hogwarts. And now I am going into my 6th year.

Flashback to 1st year

"Come stay with us this summer!" George exclaimed as the train car door closes.

"We'll beg mum!" Fred pleaded, "If your parents let you then ours will!"

"My parents don't even know I exist," I sighed, sitting next to George and across from Lee.

George had always been my favourite twin. Of course, I never said this out loud, but I always thought it. He was kinder and he seemed to care about me more than Fred did. Fred can get carried away with jokes and things can come out ruder than he means them.

"That makes it easier to sneak out!" George replied and I could feel him staring at me while I was watching the raindrops on the window.

I turned around and looked at him, "But somehow they know I exist if I leave."

Lee's eyes widened.

"You've tried to sneak out before?!" He exclaimed.

"Of course, I have," I mumbled, "I kinda hate my family, remember?"

I looked back out the window and said while smirking, "I'll probably be able to come, though."

"Okay, good," George sighed, and I could feel him smiling at me.

Present Day

"Ronald!" I hear Hermione yell down the stairs.

George looks at me and laughs then looks back down at the Daily Prophet.

"Are crêpes okay for breakfast Darcy?" Mrs. Weasley asks, looking at the table where I'm sitting.

I tear my gaze away from George and look at Mrs. Weasley. 

"Of course! Thanks," I reply smiling.

"Darcy?" Harry asks, walking down the stairs in his pyjamas looking frantic.

"Yes?" I say shocked that he came to me, "Since when do you come to me for help?"

George lets out a laugh, still looking down at the Prophet.

"I was wondering if the letters have come yet," Harry responded, still looking frantic, "You're always the first to notice when the mail comes."

I laugh as Harry comes and sits next to George, "No, it should be here soon though."

"Is Freddie still up there?" George asks Harry.

"Yeah, looks like he slept in." Harry responded looking over George's shoulder at the Prophet, "He was still sleeping when I walked by."

George just laughs, hands Harry the Daily Prophet and stands up.

"Where are you going?" I ask, his sudden movement startled me and I didn't want him to leave.

"Gonna go wake up Fred in the loudest way possible," George whispers so his mum doesn't hear, putting his hand out in front of me, "Wanna help?"

I giggle, grab his hand and say, "I'll never miss a chance to scare Fred."

He doesn't let go of my hand as we walk up to Fred and George's bedroom. The door was left open so George peaks in on Fred sleeping in the bed farthest from the door. George drops my hand and grabs a firework that was sitting on the dresser against the wall. We walk farther into the room as I grab a firework, too.

George whispers into my ear, "Ready? One, two..."

Bang, bang!!

I hear Fred's scream, muffled by the fireworks and footsteps coming both up, and down the stairs.

"Darcy! George! What are you doing?!" Hermione yells as the sound of the fireworks dies out.

Me and George are both laughing super hard as Fred stumbles out of bed.

Soon, everyone is in Fred and George's bedroom and I am on George's bed laughing so hard I can't breathe. George is kneeling next to the bed, his hand on my leg and laughing. His touch gives me slight butterflies but they quickly go away as Mrs. Weasley approaches us. Ron starts chuckling with Harry as George and I try to stop laughing.

"What was that all about?" she asks looking at George as he stands up, towering down on his relatively short mum.

"We... were... trying to..." He can't even make it through his sentence without laughing.

"We were trying to wake up Fred," I chime in, still chuckling a bit.

"It worked," Fred exclaims, quite shaken up.

Everyone's left the room by now, Mrs. Weasley rolling her eyes walks out, too.

"Very funny guys," Fred says walking over to his dresser.

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