Chapter 5

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Darcy's POV

I think about what happened for hours until I fall asleep. When I wake up, I get ready and walk down to the common room.

"Hey Darc," George smiles, beckoning to the seat next to him.

I sit and ask, "Since when are you calling me Darc?"

"Since last night," he chuckles, "Is that okay?"

"Yeah," I smile, "I like it."

He puts his arm around my shoulder and I get butterflies.

"Darcy! George!" Hermione yells from a crowd of kids around the notice board, "Look!"

We stand up and George pushes through the crowd to see the notice board. He grabs my wrist and pulls me to him so I can see the board, too.

On the notice board, there is a poster with 'Triwizard Tournament' on the top. Underneath the heading, it states, "To all the people who would like to sign up for the Triwizard Tournament, you shall bring a small piece of parchment with your name to the entrance hall before classes on September 14th.

"The names will then be chosen by the goblet at dinner, on the 14th. You must be 17 or older, and be willing to be put in great danger."

"Wicked," George mumbles, once he's finished reading.

"Maybe, Dumbledore will let you sign up," I request, "I mean, you'll be turning 17 during the tournament."

"I dunno," He replies, "We can make the ageing potion, and then try without it to see what happens."

"Good idea," I reply, grabbing his arm, "Look"

I point to a small note under the tournament poster. It reads, "Since term has started on a weekend, classes will not start until September 3rd. -Professor McGonagall"

"Yes," he exclaims, "Another day off!"

I smile at him as we both sit back down on the sofa. Fred walks down the stairs from the boys' dormitory and sits in the chair next to us.

"'Morning mate," George says,

"They posted something about the tournament," I add as Fred looks confused at the crowd.

Fred stands up and pushes through the crowd to the notice board.

"You hungry?" I ask George since I am.

"Yeah," he replies, "Let's go down to breakfast."

He grabs my hand and pulls me up. He doesn't let go of my hand so we walk hand in hand down the staircases.

"I hope they have bacon," George says, breaking the silence, "They usually only have sausages. But I want bacon today."

We laugh and I reply, "Bacon does sound good."

We sit down at the Gryffindor table next to Ron and Harry.

"Where's Hermione?" Harry asks me.

"She was still in the common room," I answer, grabbing bacon, "Hey look, Georgie, they have bacon!"

"No way," he exclaims, "A day off and bacon on the same day!?"

I laugh, "Wait, so what are we gonna do today?"

George thinks for a bit and then beamed, "We can go to Hogsmeade if you like?"

"Sounds fun!" I reply, drinking my orange juice.

George beams at me. I think because Fred and Lee won't be there. Just me and him.


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