Chapter 6: The Puppet Master

Start from the beginning

Severus nodded in agreement, not knowing what to say as his mind began drowning in one simple, yet complicated question:

What else was Dumbledore hiding?

Severus stared at Laura, noticing a strange look on her face, as if there was something churning in her mind. "Something's going on in that head of yours," Severus noticed.

"What?" Laura asked. "No. Nothing."

Severus stared, raising an eyebrow, waiting for a real answer.

A sigh escaped from Laura's lips. "I just...," she trailed off, trying to find the words in her head, trying to piece them all together, trying to make her mind make sense. "I think I want to go back there."

"Back... where?" Severus asked curiously.

"Home," she said simply. " was home." Laura's voice drifted into silence before Severus realized what she meant.

"You mean where you grew up," he stated. "You want to see the forest. See your house."

"I think I need to go there," Laura told him. "I have this feeling that I need to see it. I need to see it all." Laura looked down for a moment before her eyes flicked to Severus's. "It's stupid, isn't it?" she asked, voice filling with doubt over the idea.

"No," he responded immediately. "But I want to go with you."

"What?" Laura's face twisted with surprise. "You want to go?"

"I'm certainly not going to let you go back to that... place... by yourself," Severus told her, trying to hide his disdain. He knew that house had a lot of memories for Laura, good and bad (more bad than good), and didn't want her to be alone.

"Are you sure?" Laura asked. "Will Dumbledore even let both of us go in the middle of a semester like this?"

"To be frank," Severus started, "I really don't give a damn what Dumbledore thinks right now." It was easy to hear the disdain, the irritation in Severus's voice as he got more and more fed up with Dumbledore.

Laura opened her mouth to say something, but quickly closed it, and gently squeezed Severus's shoulder. Severus had a feeling Laura felt the same way he did. She was just as tired of Dumbledore playing the role of Puppet Master as Severus was.

"Hey, remember that thing you did with your tongue last night?" Laura asked, voice cutting through the silence.

Severus jerked his eyes towards her, realizing while he had been lost in thought, Laura moved near the bedroom door. He raised his eyebrow, staring at her.

"Could you do that again?" she asked with a smirk, trying to take Severus's mind off Dumbledore and all the bad things that came with him.

Severus smirked widely and moved towards her, causing Laura to yelp and run into the bedroom. Needless to say, the rest of the morning was spent in bed.

That afternoon, Severus went to Dumbledore's office, telling him that he and Laura would be leaving for a few days. Dumbledore must have been able to tell that there was some... bite to Severus's words, and he didn't argue, nor did he ask questions.

Severus and Laura packed their things, leaving the castle quietly. "Is there a portkey near by?" Laura asked.

"Yes, but it will only take us to London," Severus told her. "From there, we can take the one I traveled with before."

Laura nodded before she and Severus walked for a while, finding a broken vase in the dirt. "Is that it?" she asked.

Severus nodded. "Ready?"

Love is Chaos Part 2 of A Light in the Dark (Severus Snape x OC)Where stories live. Discover now