None of their family seems to notice or care, which makes Dahlia confused and frustrated and angry. She watches them carefully. She know it's rude to the man talking to her, but she knows this is more important. Dahlia's not taking her eyes off of them just in case Jenna might need her.

She has a feeling she will.

Her mom points at Jenna's bare feet, and although Dahlia can't hear her from where she's at, she can see she's yelling. Jenna's looking down at the dock, not saying a word.

"I'm sorry, excuse me," Dahlia tells the man who is still talking to her, now walking towards where they're standing. She's furious.

She can start to hear her mom's voice now-loud and angry and mean. And still Jenna stands there quietly, not putting up a fight.

"You think you can just ignore me, Jenna? I am your mother!" her mom yells now, and Jenna grips at the sides of her dress nervously.

"All I did was take my shoes off. They were killing me," Jenna's voice shakes, and Dahlia's heart is racing as she walks faster now. "All of these people are drunk anyway-I doubt they even noticed. I'm surprised you even noticed with how drunk you are."

"Don't you dare talk to me like that in front of our family," her mom seethes in anger, and Jenna flinches as she raises her hand up at her.

"Don't touch her!" Dahlia yells out now, and then puts her hands out in front of her, using all of her force to push her mom off the dock and into the water.

"Oh shit," Jenna gasps, putting her hand on her mouth. There's a huge splash, and everyone's looking, and Dahlia feels blind, hot rage boil through her veins.

"You don't deserve her," Dahlia yells down at her mom, who's just now resurfacing and flailing and already screaming at them. But Dahlia ignores it and grabs Jenna's hand, pulling her with her into their bungalow. She ignores all of the eyes on them too, breathing heavily, her hands shaking as she feels her adrenaline kick in.

"We're leaving. We aren't staying here another day," Dahlia gulps, her voice a shaky mess as she makes her way to her suitcase, stuffing everything in. "She's...abusive, Jenna. Emotionally and physically, and none of your family does shit about it. Just pack your bags, okay?"

"Dahlia," she stands there, and she glances at her, but she turns back to grab her suitcase, shaking her

"We'll go home, and you won't have to be here anymore. You don't need her-you don't need any of them. Don't worry about anything-we'll figure it all out later, just get your stuff." Dahlia breathes out, moving to walk over to the bathroom to gather the rest of his things.

"Dahlia," she says more firmly now, pressing her hand to her chest to stop her, breathing out a laugh.

"What?" Dahlia asks, her fists still clenched at her
sides in anger. She doesn't know how she could be smiling right now, or exerting any sort of positive emotion, because she's still in a rage.

Jenna leans in then and kisses her, laughing into it, holding her face there. Dahlia's hands unclench at her sides then and her shoulders relax, and she feels the anger in her dissipate as she presses her forehead to her's, breathing out.

And then Jenna pushes her against the wall.

"What...what's happening?" Dahlia asks, confused at the scarily-sudden change in events.

"You stood up for me, you helped me, did something no one has ever done for me before," Jenna looks at her and gulps, and Dahlia is sure she sees something like nervousness in Jenna. Jenna, someone she thought could never get nervous. "So I'm gonna do something that no one has ever done for you before."

- Hawaii lust - Jenna OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now