IF Stories - If the Normal Days Continued - Part 6 FINAL

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"Hey hurry up, come on hurry up, we're going to miss the fireworks display if you keep dragging your feet you know"

"Haah! Why do I have to go with you anyway?"

Inside the Kitayama High Culture Festival Venue Masato and Aki were visiting to the famous fireworks display conducted by the school. That and Masato just really wanted to visit and see Miharu and Haruto's class.

"Well mom told me to look after you. You've been really down in the dumps since Haruto an-chan visited our house, right?" Masato was right on the money, ever since Haruto visited their house and Aki was slapped by her mother in the face while crying that it was her fault that their family broke apart, Aki was left dumbfounded and lost on what to do with her hatred towards Haruto.

"Ugh" Aki stiffened at the mention of Haruto's name.

"Haah! Well, I don't really know the full story since mom wouldn't talk about it anyway. But I've made a promise to her to look after you while you are like that so hurry and cheer up already. And do make up with Haruto an-chan as well, I'm pretty sure Miharu nee-chan will forgive you for that as well"

"Y-you're doing this for ... me?" Aki asked dumbfounded

"Well, we might be stepsiblings but we are still family you know. And that includes Haruto an-chan as well. It's kind of sad to look at a family with members hating each other after all" Masato grinned wildly at Aki, while what he said was embarrassing for him to say casually but this time it came out fluently maybe because he had found he has another brother and looks forward to spent his time with him since his actual brother was all doe eyed towards a certain girl.

"Though I'm pretty sure Haruto an-chan likes Miharu nee-chan as well. Haah, I feel bad for my brother but I guess he'll lose this one" For some reason Masato just instinctively knew the bond between Haruto and Miharu is really deep that even the time spent by his brother with Miharu wouldn't compare. In the end he just prayed and wished that someday their family will be able to sit out at the same table at the same time enjoying each other's company, knowing nothing on what his brother had planned.


Haruto came back in front of the shoe lockers it was 10 minutes now and Miharu still hasn't come at this point Haruto have gone worried that something might happen to her, to be honest Haruto didn't really like Takahisa to begin with, while he didn't hate him, he just can't stand being next to him, Haruto didn't like the idea of being close to someone who might have feeling for Miharu as well, because as Haruto had guessed he really is in live with Miharu, and he had a feeling that he will do anything to get Miharu for himself by doing anything, as can be seen by the casual glares he gives at Haruto when they pass each other on the hallway and when Miharu and him are often seen together.

"Maybe I should just go find Mii-chan myself" At this point Haruto decided to look for Miharu herself he went back inside the building and immediately ran off.

After running for a while and turning to a corner Haruto almost bumped into someone.
"Whoa" "Kyaa"

"I-I'm so sorry for ru ... huh? Satsuki-senpai?" Indeed, it was Sumeragi Satsuki, who looked a bit angry and miffed for some reason Haruto didn't know why.

"Haah, you know you can't run in the hallways right, and make sure you finish apologizing first, Mr. Blockhead"

"O-oh right, I'm sorry for not running and almost bumping into you Satsuki-senpai" Haruto immediately bowed shamefully, while Satsuki smiled at his almost immediate sincerity.

"Well, it doesn't matter anymore. Right, what's giving the rush to tun like that anyway?" Satsuki begun to asked Haruto right away as it was surprising to see her usually calm and collected underclassman to be in a rush.

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