i missed you so much someone is...

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At the moment barry reached Mach 3 we heard a loud bang and felt how the building shaked, but minutes afterwards he had disappeared and the reverse flash had been erased from existence.

Barry's POV
"What are all of these images around this bright blue tunnel?"
"Well i guess I'll pick this one and enter the dimension" just as i said that i saw another flash rushing past my side, when we touched i felt like i'd been zapped, then he sped of to god knows where.
"Ok, what just happened? Why is there all this light in here and how fast am i going?"

Out of anywhere i appeared in what seems to be my hometown and i felt buzzed and my ears were ringing, so i think i passed out on a rooftop.

Aw my head hurts like i was hit by my own supersonic punch. I think im so tired.

I believe that at least three hours went by, that i was surprised to be in STAR Labs and without my suit and laying in the med bay bed, so i wake up and walk around a little and thought i saw caitlin carrying a little boy and pointing there's barry allen aka the flash and look at his awesome suit, you like it right?, after those words i felt like my heart warmed i felt like the need to hold that little boy in my arms and never let go. Which i thought that it was odd, i turn around to see bette, who is also holding a baby so i asked her what was going on.
She replied with "don't tell me you forgot?
"What did i forget?" i said with a little quiver in my voice
"Remember that 3 years ago, you and me, went to a bar and met cisco and caitlin?" "well we liked each other and things just started going and here we are"
"Okay now you are scaring me, sister?" i didn't understand what was going on so i went to search for cisco.

Everything felt so weird, but i was happy, for some reason i think im related to the kid (what? My son, no way)

Caitlin's POV

I've never seen barry act like that, maybe it's just that blow in the head that he received from a metahuman.
Huh, maybe it's a temporal thing. Time will tell. He seemed fine, but he said that his whole body hurt, what could it be?
"I mean, he's been gone for a week and he has no idea how much i cried just to see him again or how i used to comfort our boy by telling him that he was going to return to protect us and be a great family"

Barry's POV
I searched for cisco around the entire facility and had remembered how he loves to build new toyz and was searching for him to tell them and found him down in the bunker working on his new toy his Vibe device to help him control his abilities and channel them through the cool gauntlets he designed, i entered and asked him why the girls were holding babies and what is it with cait and bette calling you and me honey?

Cisco's POV

I was working on my Vibe tech when i heard barry enter the bunker and asked me a question which i didn't fully understand so i said what? Because of the loud music,And he repeated his question and i told him that three years ago caitlin and bette gave us the great news and now we are fathers with loving and caring wives and beautiful children. He looked amazed with what i just told him and quickly went towards Caitlin to kiss her and hold his baby boy, i did the same with bette and my daughter.

Barry's POV

I was so happy that i had married caitlin and had a baby with her, i was crying but out of happiness. That i held my family closer and asked all of the people present if they wanted to go out and celebrate. But the odd thing was that i don't remember how did this happened, because of this like memory loss of moments of me and caitlin having a great friendship and didn't remember or could it be that she found a way to get me drunk? And when did we got married, most important of all things, when did she got over Ronnie?

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