"That is the story?" Interfered Zach

"What would you say?" Questioned Marcus, did Mia say that she hated him and Courtney?

"I say, it doesn't matter what I say. Clearly, there are three people that aren't even here right now, that can say what the fuck they want" Interfered again Zach.

"Where the fuck are Jessica and Justin ?" Asked Marcus this time, only now acknowledging they weren't there.

"They weren't in school" Tyler spoke. Mia, Alex, and Zach share a look, that got the other teen's attention.

"What?" Courtney asks looking between the three.

Mia moves uncomfortably in her seat as Zach starts to speak "Justin went to Bryce's house the last night and he freaked because Jessica was flirting with Bryce and he called Bryce a rapist and told Jessica everything in the tapes was true."

Silence fills the group till Marcus opens his mouth cursing under his breath.

"No fucking way"

"Monty and Jaimie and others heard everything-"

"Wait, wait, wait" Cuts Courtney Zach "They heard? They know about the tapes?" She asked, Mia, rolled her eyes at her.

"Monty already knew," Mia says, making all eyes on her "What? He is my boyfriend, were you expecting me to hide that from him, fuck no"

"Justin didn't go into details about the tapes, no. But they all heard Justin calling him a rapist and that Hannah had said the truth" concluded Zach.

"Good for Justin, Bryce is a rapist" Ryan spoke.

"If you believe Hannah" Courtney commented.

"Seriously! Courtney, you are a girl and you are saying that shit"

"Courtney, stop with that fucking bullshit. Justin confirmed all that we needed to know. Bryce raped, Hannah was a victim and we didn't believe her when she came looking for help" Whisper shouted Mia.

"Hannah lied, we know this," She said, trying to prove her point.

"I don't know that," Ryan said.

"Yeah, me neither. And if you are so sure about her lies, what were these lies? Because the night I caught you two was facts, the Sheri accident that killed Jeffy was facts, and all the shit she said about me were facts. The shit about Tyler here happened. So tell me where did she lie?"  Mia shouted again.

"The night she killed herself, did you really see her that night as she said?" Questioned Courtney shouting also at the girl across from her on the table.

"Yes Courtney, I saw her that night," Mia responded eyes fixed on the girl across from her.

"Oh" Mumbleed the girl.

"Yeah, so can we now discuss what we are going to do? For real this time?" It wasn't really a question, everyone at that table knew that they really needed to discuss the current situation they were in.

"We turn him in" Spoke Tyler among the others. Mia who for the longest time couldn't even hear him from across a street was now actually willing to listen to him "Bryce is dangerous. I don't get why we are still protecting him"

"We aren't" Ryan and Mia said at the same time. From everyone at that table, Mia considered Ryan the least one that hurt Hannah. And somewhere in the middle of always hating herself in private, she thought he would be the last one to judge her.

"We are protecting ourselves" Marcus Cole spoke across from Ryan, it was bullshit he was only trying to protect himself. He didn't care about others, he only cares about him "I applied early to admit to Columbia, and Zach got scholarships. Mia is practically in UCF at this point and Ryan I know you got big plans." He mentioned everyone's plan at that table " Courtney? Alex?"

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