
Comincia dall'inizio

And the more Blue hears them mock the Arcadian.

He slowly learned that this man is a prince. Not just any prince but the life source of Inco. Married to the Princess of Cin who is also a life source of her own race.

And if he dies today. It would mean that two races will end with them.

Blue decided he had seen enough. And when they are about to push the prince to the pit. He showed up in the middle of them.

His appearance alone made the ground shake and the atmosphere became more ominous.

Everyone looked at him with surprise. The guards immediately pointed a weapon towards him.

"What are you all waiting for!!? Kill him!!! Throw them both to the den!!!" The man in charge yells at his guard.

The prince alertly watched them. He doesn't know who the man that suddenly appeared is. But he knows he's not an enemy.

One of the guards made a step close and was about to strike Blue. But all it took was a single gaze of the angel and he froze. A horrified expression displayed on his face as he looked into him eye to eye.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He said in a low voice.

Blue raised his head enough for everyone to see his face. There was this smirk on his face that never fails to send anyone chills on their spine.

"You disregarded the most basic rules of execution in Kar-thal. You take away their final option for their death. You don't give them justice, you kill these people for fun." He stated with his tone laced with anger.

"Those souls... they deserve their justice..." he whispered before finally summoning his sword. "And I will be honored to do that."

Everyone quickly stepped back in instinct. It may have been decades but there is at least one good thing that the stories help in the primes' absence. Those illustrations, whether it is to describe how bad and untrustable the primes are. Those images told that only one person in Arcadia ever wielded the sword that they are seeing right now.

No one could ever make a copy of it because it brings a curse whenever they try to do so.

There is only one of this sword. Because it is forged by the angels of God

The prince's expression would definitely make it for the book record. He looks as if he's been tricked.

(had to add this of course😆 his expression is so hilarious but accurate for this)

Oops! Questa immagine non segue le nostre linee guida sui contenuti. Per continuare la pubblicazione, provare a rimuoverlo o caricare un altro.

(had to add this of course😆 his expression is so hilarious but accurate for this)

"But I'm not like you. So choose. You made your options." He said and struck his sword on the ground.

It released a blue glow and this glow crawled and reached each of the guards involved in the inhumane judgment.

None of them were able to move and escape. This glow also went to the innocent prisoners and released them from being tied up. Including the prince.

Even though he's already free. He couldn't just leave his spot because his body is having a dilemma whether it's scared or too shocked to see one of the people he chose to die by believing them.

The guards begged for mercy. But Blue turned a deaf ear on their pleads. Because when they were hearing the same words from those innocent people they killed. They never listened and proceeded by toying with their death.

One by one the guards started walking to the option they think would hurt less. Despite their strong objection to die, their bodies moved on their own the moment they thought of their option.

"Their death will never be enough. But let it be so that you can at least rest. Wandering in the world of the living will only make your pain last longer and more painful." Blue muttered a bit quietly.

The prince thought Blue was talking to him so he had to double check whether he was actually pulled to the den but thankfully. He's just injured and still alive.

He noticed Blue staring at his left. His eyes glowing a weak shade of white. It lasted for a few minutes until all the guards died on their own while the prisoners just watched with either confusion or fear.

"Don't worry. You're still alive. I just helped those souls to enter the valley of death instead of staying here." He said when he turned to the prince. A small smile displayed on his lips.

"Hi. I'm Blue." He introduced himself and also smiled at the others, beckoning them to come closer.

But the mention of his name made them all kneel, including the prince in front of him. Blue didn't need to ask why. Instead he just asked them to stand up.

"It's alright. You are all free now. My friends and I are back. And we are gonna set everything right. For now, we will be taking you to our own world to recuperate. We'll discuss the rest once you're all healed." He said to assure them and everyone expressed their gratitude.

"Forgive me if I must ask this." The prince suddenly said.

"Iam Prince Eli of the Inco. My wife... she is currently at Vialem. She doesn't know that I'm not killed today and she might mourn for me. She has a weak heart and had already gone through so much in her own cell. Mourning from me will weaken her and eventually kill her. If that happens. Her people will die too. I will never be able to forgive myself if anything happens to her. So forgive me if I must ask you to help me get her out of there." Prince Eli explained as he asked for a favor.

Blue simply smiled at him. He would've pat him on his shoulder but he obviously can't

"You can put your mind at ease Eli. Samuel and Jade went to the Vialem to save those Arcadians that are falsely accused. And your wife is one of them. I assure you, you will untie with her once we get out of here." He said to assure him.

The other prisoners also gave the prince kind words that were able to give him a short relief. But as they were doing so, Blue began to sense that something else was approaching. A very familiar one at that.

He could feel the same presence he felt from White Peak.

"Everyone. I'm afraid I must stay here to clean up this mess. You must go to Vialem. You will meet Jade and Samuel there." He said, careful not to alarm them.

The Arcadians obeyed his orders with Prince Eli taking the lead on their way out.

Once they're gone. Blue retrieved his sword from the ground and shifted it into a sickle. He released a strong and big wave with it and it destroyed the entire arena including all the executional tools that those foolish Arcadians made.

He watched as they all crumbled and were all buried and devoured by the ground. Turning Kar-thal to what exactly it originally looks like.

But once it did. It gave him a clear view.

And that included White Peak and a black aggressive mist.

I hope you liked the chapter.
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BLUE HOUR: RETURNDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora