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'Rosalyn Queen?' The girl sitting on the chair raises her head to look at the man entering the room. Her green eyes are alert, and she looks very uncomfortable with her hands cuffed to the chair on which she sits.

The man, his beard unshaved and questions filling his mind, sits down in the chair across from the girl, being careful to keep a safe distance from the young girl who sits on the other side of the table separating them. 

'You turned yourself in to the police,' he says, setting a file down on the table, and carefully flipping through the pages it contains. 'You said that you had information about the murderer known as 'The Ghost', is that correct?' His voice is hoarse.

'That is correct,' she says. The small light bulk hanging above their heads flickers, and she swallows, visibly scared. 

'Would you please tell us what happened?' asks the man. She nods eagerly.

'I will, but you may need a pen,' she says, continuing as the man pulls out a notepad and a pencil. 'This is a long story, and it all started two months ago...'

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