Chapter 2: Percy

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QUICK NOTE: this chapter (and the previous chapter) is sometime in august. im gonna update each chapter when i figure out the right date (probs near the end of the story). i had a great idea for somewhere near the end of the story, and this is a date you should keep in mind. i'll add the story's date as a/n every chapter cuz i don't want it to seem like a diary entry or smth. also, this is technically gonna be the previous chapter but in percy's pov. have fun reading!


"Ohmigod Percy what'd you do to your hair?!" exclaimed Annabeth. I took a shower before coming here to the archery range, so I said, "I took a shower. What else?"

"Look at this!" Annabeth pulled out her phone and opened Camera. She shoved it under my face. In the reflection, I could tell that someone had dyed my hair sea green, like my eyes.

I sighed. "LEO! CONNOR! TRAVIS! GET YOUR FACES OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!" I yelled across camp. Immediately, a small impish boy with dark curly hair ran over, followed by two identical boys. They grinned.

"'Sup, Percy? I like what you did with your hair," Leo commented.

I sighed again. "When'd you guys slip hair dye into my shampoo bottle?" I demanded.

The three boys looked dramatically offended. "We did what?" Then, not being able to keep up their act any longer, they started laughing so hard, they were rolling around on the grass, holding their stomach. Watching them, I began to laugh, and Annabeth followed a second later.

Finally, after we regained control (AKA after 15 minutes), Connor handed me a bottle of shampoo and said, "It'll wash off. Use this and take another shower."

"Are you sure you didn't put more dye in it?" I asked, eyeing them suspiciously.

Travis shook his head. "Nope."

I opened it and checked inside, just to be sure. It was shampoo, all right. The peppermint scent was so strong everyone was gagging. I quickly screwed the lid back on and turned to leave, but Annabeth suddenly grabbed me.

"Wait!" She brought out her phone. "Selfie first!"

So all five of us crowded into view of the tiny camera. I offered to hold it. After we snapped a few pictures starring my sea green hair, I left to go take another shower.

As I stepped into Cabin 3, the salty smell of the sea greeted me, as always, but I could detect a faint smell of the dye. I raced into the bathroom, quickly undressing, turning on the water, squirting the whole bottle of shampoo on my head, rubbing vigorously, washing it off, watching the green water sink into the drain, and redressing, so I could get over it quickly.

I walked back out to the archery range, and spotted Annabeth still there, talking with Leo about something. Connor and Travis seemed to have left, probably planning their next epic prank. As the two saw me approaching, Leo said a quick goodbye to Annabeth and scurried off in the direction of Bunker 9.

I walked over to Annabeth. "What was that about?" I questioned.

"Oh, nothing." Annabeth didn't elaborate, which I thought weird, but I let it go. "Your hair's back to normal, huh?" She ruffled my hair.

"As long as those three didn't add something in the bottle that I didn't notice," I said.

Annabeth laughs. "C'mon, let's go through town." Annabeth slipped her hand into mine, and we walked out.

As soon as we stepped out of the magical borders, the camp was replaced with a large field of strawberries. Annabeth and I walked out past Thalia's tree, laughing about my previously sea green hair.

"Ooh!" Annabeth said. "What if we slip some sea green dye into Leo, Travis, and Connor's shampoo?" She grinned mischievously. "And maybe tape a note to the back of the bathroom door saying 'WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND—EVEN THE DYE'?" Annabeth and I looked at each other. Then we both burst out laughing.

As we walked around the hill, I spotted two teenagers coming in this direction. A girl and a boy. Maybe they were dating. Huh, I thought. I thought mortals were supposed to turn away. Annabeth must've noticed it too, since she turned a bit fidgety.

As I neared the two, I could feel a strong aura rippling off them. Way stronger than any demigod's. Annabeth and I casually but cautiously walked towards them.

I decided to introduce myself to see if they were monsters, even though I felt like they couldn't be. Still, I kept Riptide in pen form in my hand.

"Hey! How are you?" I asked. "I'm Percy. Nice to meet you." I held out my hand. The boy hesitated before shaking it. "I'm Keefe."

"And I'm Annabeth," Annabeth said. She squeezed my hand.

"I'm Sophie," The girl said. Everyone said "hi" and "how are you" and whatnot.

"Nice field, isn't it?" I asked, gesturing to the hills.

"Really pretty," Sophie agreed. "Do you think we're allowed to go pick some?"

My eyes widened. "No," Annabeth and I chorused.

There was a moment of silence. Then, Sophie said, "Well, nice meeting you both. Could I have your number so we can get together later?" Sophie asked, pulling out her phone.

"Well, I don't have a phone," I said. "Ask Annabeth. She has one."

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot!" Annabeth pulled out her phone and gave Sophie a list of numbers, which she typed in. Annabeth's phone gave a short ping, and I saw from over her shoulder that Sophie sent a test-text.

Annabeth put her phone back in her pocket. Sophie said, "Well, nice meeting you, like I said." We all said quick good-bye's, and walked away. As the other two walked off, I snuck a look behind me, and instead of seeing them, I saw a shower of gold glitter.

Meh. I shrugged it off. The girl was probably carrying a packet of glitter and maybe it fell out. They probably headed towards the beach. They probably wouldn't go into camp. A lot of probably–s.

Annabeth abruptly stopped. I was so lost in my probably theories that I bumped right into her.

"Annie, what's wrong?" I asked. I followed her gaze to a crystal on the ground, and sucked in a breath. That could be worth a million dollars! I wondered how it got there. Maybe somebody robbed a jewelry store or something?

Curious, I picked it up and held it to the light to see it more clearly. Suddenly, a beam of light refracted off of a facet on the crystal and hit the ground. Surprised, I accidentally dropped Riptide into the beam.

"NO! RIPTIDE!" I yelled. My trusty sword, gone.

Then, as if in a trance, Annabeth stepped forward, inching closer to the beam, stopping right before it. She stuck her foot through the beam, frowning when it went through, then lost her balance and fell, screaming.

"NO! ANNABETH!" I screamed, then muttered, "Desperate times call for desperate measures." Then I jumped through the beam of light.

phew! the beginning took out a lot of brain cells, cuz i was trying to find the best scenario to begin the chapter with. like i said, the middle part of it is just a replay of the chapter before.

FOLLOWER SHOUTOUT: A_Fabulous_DemiElf — you make great stories! also i just wanna say thx for being online by coincidence that one night a long time ago (a few weeks ago) when i wasn't feeling sleepy and was bored!

also, im going back to signing off as AnonymousDolphin cuz i like that better. anyways, plz vote and comment on this — and follow me if u haven't yet!


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