Chapter 2: On my path to you

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Seokjin and Taehyung get closer as friends over the months of summer, each of them learning so much more about each other. Together they go for drives along the coastline while Taehyung talks about his childhood and being raised mainly by his grandparents while his parents lived and stayed in the bigger city.

Seokjin accompanies Taehyung to a golf range over in the next town. They get playfully competitive with their scores although Seokjin accuses Taehyung of distracting him, stamping his foot and shaking his little fists in frustration. Taehyung holds back a smile that dips the corners of his lips and puts warmth in his eyes.

They cook together in Taehyung's kitchen in his home. On one such hot summer day, Taehyung feels blessed upon hearing Seokjin's glorious laugh for the first time when he showed off his plating skills for a particular dish.

Seokjin takes Taehyung to his favourite restaurants and cafés, delighting in seeing Taehyung try and grimace at different coffees while telling him about his dreams and goals for the future, as well as waxing lyrical about observations made of the everyday.

"Like, do you ever think about how a change in the world can be as small but encouraging as making the bed?" Seokjin asks, spooning another mouthful of strawberry cake in his mouth and chewing with a cute little pout.

Taehyung looks on fondly and shakes his head at the sudden philosophical change in conversation from talking about how many pillows they use to sleep with.

"And you think or feel that everyday is the same. You go to work, eat, sleep, repeat, right? But it's not! Each day you're older, there's slight differences in everything we do somehow. And every seven years all your cells shed and now you're a completely different you!"

Seokjin finishes his monologue with widened eyes sparkling with wonder. Taehyung briefly wonders if he looks the same now, although for very different reasons.

"Seokjin what are you doing tomorrow?"

Seokjin stops mid-chew with cheeks all puffed up. Taehyung melts at the sight, biting his lips and stopping a goofy grin from taking over his face. Seokjin holds his hand in front of his mouth to murmur what sounded like 'nothing'.

"I want to take you somewhere, but it's a surprise." Taehyung says. Seokjin finally swallows the mouthful and replies.

"I hate to sound cliché but are you going to take me to the forest and chop me up into little pieces?"

"It's too much work." Taehyung thinks, "And blood."

"Speaking of blood, did you know there were rumours going around that some people thought you were a vampire because you rarely come out in the sunlight." Seokjin grins.

Taehyung cocks an eyebrow but suddenly feels mischievous and levels a certain look at Seokjin. Seokjin is taken aback at first and feels a slight heat in his cheeks at Taehyung's smouldering eyes.

"So... you're saying... I never eat... or drink anything.... I don't go out in the sunlight." Taehyung says in a deep and mysterious tone. He hopes Seokjin catches on. He's internally relieved when the cogs in Seokjin's mind whirr in recognition and Seokjin gasps a little dramatically and asks.

"How old are you?"


"How long have you been 17?"

"A while."

Seokjin closes a bit of the distance between them over the small café table and lowers his voice to a quiver. Taehyung almost falters in amusement under his intense gaze but keeps character.

"I know what you are." Seokjin breathes.

Taehyung almost snorts but clears his throat to hide it. Seokjin's lip twitches in one corner.

When I'm with you  ::  TaeJinWhere stories live. Discover now