"what the f-"

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Based off the cult of the lamb video but different aka Eclipse & Sun literally getting along

I delayed writing this for so long since that video first came out and now finished this at 3 am instead of sleeping enjoy!


After finishing their recent video, it's been hours since Moon last saw Sun, almost 24 hours to be exact. Normally moon wouldn't be as worried as he currently was, both of them had their own things to do. This wasn't quite out of normal for one to disappear, but with Eclipse existing and all the trouble he's caused the two animatronics it was hard not to worry. He tried putting it off for a while, thinking Sun was just cleaning or maybe even hanging out with one of the glamrocks.
As hours ticked by though, Moon started to grow uneasy. Moon tried pushing off again, Sun could take care of himself just fine (L̶i̶e̶r̶) but moon felt like something was tugging, telling him to go find Sun. He finally had enough after so long, following the tugging feeling, moon searched around the daycare for his brother. He tried calling out his name, moon found nothing until he heard something from above In the balcony where their rooms reside. Calling his cable, it brought him up to the balcony and he started searching once more.

"Sun?" Moon called out as he searched more. The tugging seemed to get stronger towards a certain place as he searched "sunn?? Su-"

Moon cut himself off as he saw Sun sitting at his game setup, where they would usually record videos. 'Has he been here the whole time? How did I not notice?' Moon thought to himself, noticing the tugging was almost fully gone. Moon quietly walked closer to his brother, who had somehow not taken notice that the other was in the room. As he drew closer he could see clearly that Sun was playing some sort of game.
The game seemed fine. It honestly looked cute at first, the design and the little animals, he wasn't that surprised to see Sun playing it. He did take notice though, of the black crown with a glowing red eye on a lamb, who seemed to be the one Sun was playing as. It seemed a little off for a cute game, the more he looked at it the more off he felt about it. He also noticed Sun's lack of his surroundings since he hasn't even noticed moon, who almost seem to tower over the other.

"Sun?" Moon said, making his presence known.

Sun jumped at hearing the familiar voice suddenly, he wasn't expecting moon to be there.

"Oh hi brother!" Sun turned around and smiled at moon, who decided to push the odd voice glitch.

"Uhh, what have you been doing? I have seen you all day" Moon questioned and he moved to sit by his brother, looking at the screen.

"Oh well I've been playing this game called cult of the lamb!" Sun explained what it was called and showed moon the different things he had, moon making a small comment that the title had cult in it. Sun had shown moon all his things he had in his cult: the entrance, where his subjects stayed, the church and also performing a sermon, where they get material and what they do with it, where he keeps the cedars.


"Those who dare pose my o̶u̶r̶ little belief!"

"You are so okay with this, it's weird" Moon ignored the glitching, it's a coincidence right?

Sun laughed a little, "it's honestly too fun to not be. Listen you burn down building I think me u̶s̶ having a little cult here is perfectly fine"

"Those are two completely different levels!" Moon turned away from the screen and looked at his brother. Sun gave another small chuckle before putting what moon said off. Moon took notice that one of Sun's eyes seemed to be red? That..didn't seem right.

Sun had moved onto the fighting portion of the game, once again moon bringing up the fact he beat 3 out of 4 of the bosses and a little bit of how much time he's spent playing the game. Sun countered back that he tried stopping but he couldn't so here he was now. Moon found that a little odd but decided to focus on watching his brother play.

"You know im more suprised your not questioning o̶u̶r̶ my calmness about this" Sun admitted.

"You've played it for like 18 hours, im not questioning anything" Moon replied, " also when it comes to stuff like this im going to assume it's he has an influence".

"Who? The God, whoever controlling me"?

"No, the other person in your body!"

"Oh m̶e̶ him. I'll be very honest I think it's just me, it's too fun heh, I doubt it's him m̶e̶".

Moon looked over at sun weirdly, the glitching seemed to become more frequent and sun did not seemed to notice, 'what the hell was going on with his brother?' . He thought back and started to notice a pattern, it seemed as though his voice was peaking through but that couldn't be possible. Two people couldn't take control at the same time unless-

"Something wrong m̶o̶o̶n̶ brother?" Sun asked, turning towards moon who had been staring in his direction for a while now. Moon blinked and looked into Sun's eyes, one still a red color. Moon pushed off sun's? Question saying he was fine. Two people couldn't be in control at the same time, it was nearly impossible, it has to be just some coincidence right?

Sun shrugged and continued to play the game. After he returned from the spider area he noticed the belief was very low and he hurried to go do a sermon.

"praised thee to the pink sheep of the cult. Praise thee to the pink sheep of the cult! " Sun's voice seemed to echo, another voice layering over. Eclipses voice. Moon stared at his brother.

'What the fu-'


Pushing moon to find sunny was a good idea. It was nice to see his brother and sunny having fun! The game looked very cute and fun! It was sad he had to stay hidden in moons mind, it was so boringg!! Maybe Eclipse will play with him once he no longer has to stay hidden like he did with sunny!

He just as to be patient.

S.A.M.S + E.A.L.S oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now